
21 Tips For Espresso Beginners (By a Professional Barista)

Emily WilsonByEmily Wilson

| December 31, 2023

If you are a regular reader of our blogs and known to our team of authors, Emily and Andrew.

Recently, our home brewing expert Emily, visited Andrew at his workplace in Seattle. It is the place where Andrew serves a well-known cafe and also trains his students to become a barista.

During this visit, Emily asked for tips that can enhance the brewing journey of persons who eagerly want to brew the best espresso possible.

In this article, we have included the tips given by Andrew.

21 Tips For Espresso Beginners

1) Quality Coffee Beans

Go for freshly roasted beans, as the roasting process significantly influences the flavor profile. Opt for a local roaster or a reputable brand that discloses the roast date on the packaging, ensuring you’re working with beans at their peak freshness.

Engage in the delightful exploration of various bean varieties, each offering unique notes ranging from fruity and chocolatey to nutty or floral. This initial selection lays the foundation for a rich and nuanced espresso experience.

2) Grind Just Before Brewing

The timing of the grind is an essential factor in the pursuit of a perfect espresso. Grinding your coffee just before brewing is a ritual that preserves the volatile compounds responsible for the coffee’s distinct flavor and aroma.

This practice ensures that the essence of your beans is captured at its zenith. It’s important to invest in a burr grinder over a blade grinder, as burr grinders provide a uniform grind size, crucial for an even extraction.

Adjust the grind size according to your specific espresso machine and fine-tune it to suit your taste preferences.

3) Invest in a Burr Grinder

Elevate your coffee game by investing in a high-quality burr grinder. Unlike their blade counterparts, burr grinders operate by crushing beans between two burrs, resulting in a consistent grind size.

This uniformity is pivotal for achieving an even extraction, as any deviation in grind size can lead to variations in taste. Regularly calibrate your burr grinder to maintain precision, ensuring that it consistently delivers the desired grind size for your espresso.

The burr grinder stands as a stalwart companion in your quest for the perfect cup.

4) Dose Properly

The art of espresso-making demands precision in dosing—measuring the right amount of coffee grounds for your shot. For a single espresso shot, the golden range is generally 7-9 grams, while a double shot requires 14-18 grams.

Use a digital scale to eliminate guesswork and foster consistency. Dosing accuracy establishes a reliable baseline, enabling you to understand the impact of other variables on your espresso’s final flavor.

If you have just started your espresso brewing journey, experiment with different dosages to discover the perfect balance that aligns with your taste preferences.

5) Tamp Evenly

Tamping, the act of compressing coffee grounds in the portafilter, holds immense significance in the pursuit of an exceptional espresso.

The key lies in achieving an even and level tamp to create a uniform coffee bed. Apply firm and consistent pressure while tamping to avoid any irregularities that could lead to an uneven extraction.

The goal is to ensure that water flows uniformly through the coffee puck, extracting flavors consistently. Mastery of the tamp is an art that contributes to the symphony of variables in crafting a superb shot of espresso.

6) Use Filtered Water

The importance of water quality in espresso preparation cannot be overstated. Opt for filtered water to ensure that impurities and minerals present in tap water do not interfere with the nuanced flavors of your espresso.

The goal is to create a clean canvas for the coffee beans to express their distinct characteristics. Consistently using filtered water also contributes to the longevity of your espresso machine by preventing the accumulation of mineral deposits that may affect its performance.

7) Preheat Your Equipment

Preheating your espresso machine and portafilter is a crucial step often overlooked by beginners. This practice ensures that the temperature remains stable during extraction, preventing any shock to the coffee grounds.

Just as a chef preheats an oven before baking, preheating your equipment establishes an ideal environment for the extraction process.

It’s a simple yet effective step that can significantly enhance the consistency and quality of your espresso shots.

8) Check the Brewing Temperature

Achieving the right brewing temperature is important in crafting a perfect espresso. The sweet spot falls between 195-205°F (90-96°C).

Water that’s too hot risks scalding the coffee, resulting in a bitter taste, while water that’s too cold may under-extract, yielding a sour flavor.

Regularly check and adjust your machine’s temperature settings to ensure it falls within this optimal range, allowing you to extract the full spectrum of flavors locked within your carefully chosen coffee beans.

9) Time Your Shots

Time is of the essence when it comes to pulling a shot of espresso. Aim for an extraction time of 25-30 seconds for a standard double shot.

This duration allows for the optimal extraction of flavors without over-extracting, which can lead to bitterness.

Keep in mind that variables such as grind size, dose, and tamp pressure influence extraction time, so be prepared to fine-tune these elements to achieve the perfect balance in your shots.

10) Adjust Grind Size

The grind size of your coffee beans plays a pivotal role in the espresso extraction process. If your shot is pulling too fast, meaning it takes less than 25 seconds, adjust the grind to a finer setting.

Conversely, if it’s taking longer than 30 seconds, coarsen the grind. Fine-tuning the grind size allows you to control the flow rate of water through the coffee grounds, influencing the extraction time and, consequently, the flavor profile of your espresso.

11) Clean Your Equipment

The cleanliness of your espresso equipment profoundly impacts the quality of your shots. Regular maintenance prevents the buildup of old coffee oils and residues, which can impart off-flavors to your espresso.

Dedicate time to cleaning your espresso machine, portafilter, and grinder components. Periodically backflush your machine to remove any trapped coffee oils, and clean your grinder’s burrs to maintain optimal performance.

A pristine workspace ensures that each shot is a pure representation of your chosen coffee beans.

12) Experiment with Ratios

The world of espresso is a canvas for experimentation, and playing with coffee-to-water ratios can yield fascinating results.

Altering the ratio allows you to control the strength and intensity of your espresso. Start with the classic 1:2 ratio for a double shot (using twice the amount of coffee to water) and gradually adjust based on your taste preferences.

This exploration enables you to fine-tune the concentration of flavors in your cup, unlocking a spectrum of taste experiences.

13) Understand Espresso Varieties

Beyond the standard double shot, exploring espresso variations adds depth to your repertoire. A ristretto, a shorter and more concentrated shot, intensifies the flavors.

On the other hand, a lungo, a longer shot with more water, provides a milder taste.

Understanding these variations allows you to tailor your espresso to different occasions and preferences, expanding your appreciation for the versatility of this concentrated coffee form.

14) Invest in a Scale

Precision is necessary in the pursuit of excellent espresso, and a digital scale is a valuable tool to achieve this. Weighing your coffee grounds ensures consistency in dosing, a crucial factor in understanding and adjusting other variables like grind size and extraction time.

A scale transforms the process from guesswork to a precise science, empowering you to replicate and refine your desired flavor profile with each shot.

15) Learn Milk Frothing Techniques

If you fancy milk-based espresso drinks like lattes and cappuccinos, mastering milk-frothing techniques is essential. Achieving the perfect microfoam, characterized by tiny, velvety bubbles, requires practice.

Pay attention to the angle, depth, and movement of the steam wand in the milk, aiming for a smooth, glossy texture. The art of frothing enhances the overall experience, turning a simple shot of espresso into a luxurious and creamy indulgence.

16) Calibrate Your Grinder Regularly

A grinder’s consistency can drift over time due to wear or changes in ambient conditions. Regularly calibrating your grinder ensures that it consistently produces the desired grind size.

This practice is particularly important in the pursuit of precision, allowing you to maintain control over one of the critical variables affecting your espresso’s flavor profile.

17) Keep Your Coffee Equipment Clean

Beyond routine cleaning, maintaining the overall cleanliness of your coffee equipment is essential for peak performance.

Regularly inspect and clean all components, ensuring that no residual coffee oils or debris compromise the quality of your shots.

A well-maintained machine and accessories not only produce better-tasting espresso but also prolong the lifespan of your equipment.

18) Store Coffee Beans Properly

The storage of your coffee beans significantly influences their freshness and flavor. Keep your beans in an airtight container, stored in a cool, dark place. Exposure to air, light, and heat accelerates the staling process.

By protecting your beans from these elements, you ensure that each shot of espresso is a vibrant expression of the inherent flavors of your carefully selected coffee.

19) Use Fresh Milk

When crafting milk-based espresso beverages, the freshness and quality of the milk are crucial.

Choose fresh, cold milk to achieve the best results. The temperature and composition of the milk greatly influence the texture and taste of the froth.

Experiment with different milk types and temperatures to find the perfect balance that complements your espresso and suits your taste preferences.

20) Invest in a Good Espresso Machine

While skill plays a significant role, investing in a high-quality espresso machine can elevate your espresso-making experience.

A good machine provides precise temperature control, and pressure consistency, and often comes with advanced features.

Consider your budget and needs when selecting a machine, as it can be a worthwhile investment for long-term enjoyment and satisfaction.

21) Practice Patience

Mastery in the art of espresso making is a journey that requires patience. Each shot pulled is an opportunity to learn and refine your technique.

Focus on the learning process, be open to experimentation, and understand that perfection comes with practice.

Patience allows you to develop a deep connection with the craft, ensuring that each shot of espresso becomes a rewarding and satisfying experience.

Further Read: Espresso Myths

The Final Words

Here, we have got you covered with the best tips that espresso brewers start keeping in mind, can really improve your brewing skills and avoid lots of mistakes that they would make due to lack of knowledge.

In the upcoming days, we are also planning to bring more baristas to our platform and share their valuable knowledge with our readers.

If you don’t want to miss any of those information, subscribe to our newsletter. Also, for more espresso insights, download and read our ebooks.

Emily Wilson

Emily Wilson

A skilled home brewer and all time espresso lover