
Blonde Espresso Vs Regular Espresso: 7 Major Differences

Emily WilsonByEmily Wilson

| November 12, 2023

When you visit bigger coffee shops like Starbucks, you will notice blonde espresso shots on its menu. Now, this “blonde” word can confuse you as it is different from regular espresso coffee.

If you have just faced this situation and want to know the differences between blonde espresso and regular espresso, you are at the right place.

In this article, I will tell you the major differences between blonde and regular espresso,

Let’s start.

Overview of Blonde Espresso

What is a Blonde Espresso?

Blonde espresso is a lighter-roasted coffee that stands in contrast to the traditional darker roasts commonly used for espresso.

It’s distinguished by its shorter roasting duration and lower temperatures which results in a light brown or even slightly yellow bean, hence the “blonde” label. This roasting method aims to preserve more of the bean’s natural flavors, giving the coffee a nuanced and delicate taste.

The flavor profile of blonde espresso often features subtle fruity and floral notes which offer a brighter, milder, and slightly more acidic taste compared to darker roasts.

This lighter roast also retains more caffeine and higher acidity which leads the espresso shots to a more vibrant and tangy taste. Its versatility in creating a variety of espresso-based drinks is notable, as the lighter flavor profile complements milk and other ingredients without overpowering them.

Major coffee chains like Starbucks have popularized blonde espresso, offering a more approachable option for customers who find traditional espresso too strong or bitter.

Blonde espresso shots are brewed similarly to traditional espresso. These shots also require precise parameters in terms of grind size, water temperature, and extraction time, which can be adjusted to accommodate its unique characteristics.

Overview of Regular Espresso

What is a Regular Espresso?

Regular espresso which is also known as traditional or standard espresso, is made from medium to dark roasted coffee beans, undergoing a longer roasting process at higher temperatures.

This method yields a dark brown, sometimes slightly oily appearance in the beans. The resulting flavor profile is robust and bold, characterized by a strong, intense taste.

These dark roasts often exhibit rich, sometimes slightly bitter notes, with a focus on caramelized and roasted flavors rather than highlighting the bean’s natural fruity or floral nuances.

While these roasts generally contain slightly less caffeine due to prolonged exposure to heat and are lower in acidity compared to lighter roasts, they are known for their bold, full-bodied taste.

Regular espresso serves as the classic base for an array of espresso-based drinks like lattes, macchiatos, and Americanos, where its bold flavor can complement and stand out against milk and other ingredients.

Blonde Espresso vs Regular Espresso: In-depth Comparison

1) Roasting Level

Blonde espresso beans undergo a lighter roasting process, a departure from the longer and more intense roasting generally associated with traditional espresso beans. This lighter roast aims to preserve the innate characteristics of the coffee bean, resulting in a more nuanced and subtle flavor profile.

In contrast, the beans used for regular espresso are subjected to a more prolonged and higher-temperature roasting process, resulting in a darker appearance. The extended exposure to heat contributes to a more robust and intense flavor profile.

2) Flavor Profile

The lighter roast of blonde espresso yields a delicate and nuanced taste experience. The resulting brew tends to carry subtle fruity and floral notes which lets you enjoy the coffee of a brighter, milder, and slightly more acidic flavor.

These nuanced characteristics create a distinct coffee profile suitable for those seeking a more approachable and lighter coffee experience. The lighter roast allows the inherent subtleties of the coffee bean to shine through, offering a more delicate and less overpowering taste.

On the other hand, the flavor profile of regular espresso is robust and intense which lets you brew the espresso shots of strong, sometimes slightly bitter taste. The longer roasting process caramelizes the sugars in the bean which results in a brew that comes with rich, full-bodied, and often more pronounced roasted flavors.

The flavor notes are more focused on the roasted aspects of the bean, with lesser emphasis on the innate fruitiness or florals which provides a bolder and more traditional coffee experience appreciated by those who enjoy stronger, more potent coffee flavors.

3) Caffeine and Acidity

Blonde espresso tends to retain more caffeine and higher acidity levels compared to its darker counterparts because of its shorter roasting process. The lighter roast preserves more of the bean’s natural caffeine content and acidity which results in a brew that offers a more vibrant and tangy taste.

This heightened acidity contributes to a livelier and sometimes more refreshing sensation on the palate, making it an appealing choice for those seeking a zesty and stimulating coffee experience.

Conversely, the longer roasting process involved in creating regular espresso beans typically results in slightly less caffeine content and lower acidity levels. The extended exposure to heat breaks down some of the caffeine in the beans and mellows the overall acidity.

This yields a more mellow and balanced flavor profile, with reduced caffeine content and a smoother, less tangy taste compared to the blonde espresso. The lower acidity in regular espresso often provides a more rounded and less sharp flavor, catering to those who prefer a smoother and less acidic coffee experience.

4) Versatility and Usage

Blonde espresso’s lighter and more delicate flavor profile lends itself to versatility in usage. Its nuanced and subtle taste complements milk and other ingredients exceptionally well, making it a preferred choice for creating a wide array of coffee-based beverages.

This lighter roast is often used for crafting drinks where a more approachable and nuanced coffee experience is desired. It can be used in various recipes which allows its delicate flavors to harmonize with other ingredients without overpowering them.

As regular espresso comes with a bold and robust flavor profile, it forms the classic base for an array of espresso-based drinks. Its strong and intense taste complements milk and other ingredients while retaining its character, providing a solid foundation for various coffee beverages.

This traditional espresso is favored by those who appreciate a more pronounced and bolder coffee taste, forming the heart of classics like lattes, macchiatos, and more, where a robust coffee flavor is central to the drink’s profile.

5) Appearance

Blonde espresso beans, indicative of their lighter roasting process, bear a notably lighter appearance compared to their traditional counterparts. They often exhibit a light brown or even slightly yellow hue, reflecting the gentler roasting method employed.

This lighter coloration distinguishes them from the commonly dark and rich appearance associated with traditional espresso beans. The lightness of the beans serves as a visual cue to the unique and more delicate flavor profile to be experienced upon brewing.

In contrast, beans used for regular espresso are characterized by a darker and more intense appearance owing to their medium-to-dark roasting process. These beans typically present a color spectrum ranging from medium to dark brown, with some beans even displaying an oily surface due to the longer exposure to high temperatures during the roasting phase.

This dark and oily appearance is a hallmark of the deeper and more intense flavor profile associated with traditional espresso.

6) Texture and Body

Blonde espresso generally offers a lighter body and a smoother texture. The lighter roast often results in a brew that feels less heavy on the palate, contributing to a more delicate and nuanced drinking experience.

On the other hand, regular espresso tends to have a fuller body and a richer, sometimes oilier texture. The longer roasting process enhances the viscosity, resulting in a more robust and substantial mouthfeel.

7) Aroma and Fragrance

The lighter roast of blonde espresso often preserves the natural aromatics of the beans, offering a more pronounced and delicate aroma. This can include floral and fruity notes that are more perceptible in the brewed coffee.

The deeper roasting of traditional espresso beans can sometimes result in more roasted and caramelized aromas. While robust, the aroma might be less complex in terms of retaining the nuanced fruit and floral fragrances.

Regular Espresso Shots or Blonde Shots: Which Should You Choose?

Choose blonde espresso shots if:

1) You prefer a more nuanced, lighter, and brighter coffee experience with subtle fruity and floral notes.

2) You seek a milder, slightly more acidic taste, allowing the natural characteristics of the bean to stand out.

Choose regular espresso shots if:

1) You enjoy a strong, intense coffee experience, appreciating its robust and sometimes slightly bitter taste.

2) You love the deep, caramelized, and roasted flavor notes resulting from a longer roasting process.

Wrapping up

Here, I have got you covered with the differences between blonde espresso and regular espresso.

So, next time you visit Starbucks and find both these espresso drinks on the menu, don’t get confused and order as per your taste preferences.


1) Is Starbucks blonde espresso stronger than regular coffee?

Starbucks’ blonde espresso isn’t inherently stronger than regular coffee in terms of caffeine content. Instead, its strength lies in its flavor profile. Blonde espresso boasts a milder taste with subtle fruity and floral notes, which might be considered lighter compared to the bolder and more robust taste of a standard cup of coffee. The difference in strength is more about the nuanced flavors rather than the caffeine content.

2) Regular espresso or blonde espresso: Which one has more caffeine?

Blonde espresso generally retains more caffeine compared to its darker counterpart, regular espresso. The shorter roasting process of blonde espresso helps preserve more of the bean’s natural caffeine content. This results in a brew that might offer a slightly higher caffeine concentration compared to the longer, darker roasting process of regular espresso, which can slightly diminish the caffeine levels.

3) Is signature espresso the same as regular espresso?

The term “signature espresso” may vary depending on the coffee establishment. In many cases, the “signature” label might imply a distinct blend or roast that’s different from the standard or traditional regular espresso. It might feature unique flavor profiles or specific bean combinations to create a different taste experience compared to the typical espresso.

4) How to order blonde espresso at Starbucks?

To order a drink with blonde espresso at Starbucks, simply specify your choice of beverage with “blonde espresso” as the preferred coffee base. For instance, you can request a “latte with blonde espresso” or any other coffee drink you desire, emphasizing the preference for blonde espresso when placing your order at Starbucks.

5) Are blonde espresso shots sweeter?

Blonde espresso shots might carry a slightly sweeter taste due to their lighter roast. The light roasting process helps preserve some natural sugars present in the beans, contributing to a nuanced sweetness in the brew. However, it’s important to note that while blonde espresso may offer a subtle sweetness, it’s not significantly sweeter than regular espresso and largely depends on individual taste perceptions.

Emily Wilson

Emily Wilson

A skilled home brewer and all time espresso lover