
Caffe Misto vs Latte: 9 Major Differences You Need to Know

Emily WilsonByEmily Wilson

| October 18, 2023

I can still remember the days when I just started my journey as a home coffee brewer and I got to get confused between various coffee beverages.

One of those pairs was Caffe Misto and latte.

But as I started learning about coffee brewing, I got very clear about them.

As I didn’t want to keep that knowledge to myself only, I am writing this blog here. In this article, I will inform you of the exact differences between caffe misto and latte.

Let’s start.

Overview of Caffe Misto

What is a caffe misto?

Caffe Misto, also known simply as “Misto,” is a popular coffee beverage that combines brewed coffee and steamed milk.

It is essentially a hybrid of drip coffee and a latte, making it a milder and creamier alternative to a traditional cup of black coffee. It is often appreciated for its balanced flavor and smooth texture.

Caffe misto coffee filled in a white ceramic cup
(Caffe misto coffee filled in a white ceramic cup)


How is a caffe misto prepared?

  • Brew a fresh pot of coffee (drip coffee is commonly used).
  • Steam milk until it’s hot but not boiling.
  • Pour an equal or desired amount of steamed milk into a cup.
  • Add brewed coffee to the cup, mixing it with the steamed milk.
  • Customize with sweeteners, flavorings, or spices if desired.
  • Serve and enjoy your Caffe Misto!

More information about Misto

1) The coffee base for a Caffe Misto is generally drip coffee, but it can be made from various coffee beans and roast levels. The strength and flavor of the beverage largely depend on the coffee used.

2) Steamed milk is a crucial component of this coffee. The milk is heated to just below boiling point, creating a creamy and velvety texture. The ratio of coffee to steamed milk can vary but is often close to 1:1 or 2:1.

3) It can be customized with different coffee beverages to suit individual preferences. You can add sweeteners like sugar, honey, or syrups for sweetness, flavorings such as vanilla or caramel for extra taste, or even spices like cinnamon or nutmeg for a unique twist. Additionally, you can choose the type of milk used, including whole milk, skim milk, soy milk, almond milk, or other alternatives based on dietary considerations.

4) Caffe Misto has a balanced flavor that combines the natural bitterness of coffee with the creaminess and slight sweetness of milk. The milk tempers the bitterness of the coffee, making it a milder and more approachable choice for those who find black coffee too strong.

5) is often available at coffee shops and chains that serve espresso-based beverages. However, it might not be as widely recognized as some other coffee drinks like lattes or cappuccinos.

Overview of Latte

What is a Latte?

A Latte, short for “Caffè Latte” in Italian, is a popular espresso-based coffee beverage. It is known for its rich and creamy flavor, which is achieved by combining espresso and steamed milk.

The term “Latte” is derived from the Italian “Caffè Latte,” which translates to “milk coffee.”

Caffe latte coffee
(Caffe latte coffee filled in a white ceramic cup)

How is the latte prepared?

  • Brew 1-2 shots of espresso.
  • Steam milk until it’s hot and has a velvety texture, but not boiling.
  • Pour the steamed milk into a cup, filling it about two-thirds full.
  • Add the brewed espresso to the cup, pouring it gently into the milk.
  • Optional: Spoon a small amount of milk foam on top for decoration.
  • Customize with flavorings or sweeteners if desired.
  • Serve and enjoy your Latte!

More information about caffe latte

1) A traditional Latte is made with one or two shots of espresso. Espresso is a concentrated coffee brewed by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee beans. The strength and flavor of the espresso provide the base for the Latte.

2) Steamed milk is a crucial component of a Latte. The milk is heated to a temperature just below boiling, creating a velvety texture and a slightly sweet taste. The ratio of milk to espresso in a Latte is typically higher than in other espresso-based drinks, resulting in a creamier beverage.

3) Some Lattes are topped with a small amount of milk foam for decoration and added texture. The foam can be created during the milk-steaming process.

4) Lattes are highly customizable. You can add various flavorings such as vanilla, caramel, or flavored syrups to enhance the taste. Sweeteners can also be used, like sugar or honey. Additionally, you can opt for different types of milk, including whole milk, skim milk, soy milk, almond milk, and others, to suit your dietary preferences.

5) A well-prepared caffe latte strikes a balance between the strong and bold taste of espresso and the creaminess of steamed milk. The milk tempers the espresso’s bitterness, resulting in a smooth, rich, and slightly sweet coffee drink.

6) Lattes are widely available at coffee shops and cafes, and they are often a staple in coffee culture. They come in various sizes, including small, medium, and large, and are often enjoyed in a variety of flavors.

7) Latte art involves creating decorative designs on the surface of a Latte using milk foam. Skilled baristas can craft intricate patterns or images, making each Latte a work of art.

Caffe Misto vs latte: Quick comparison

1) Coffee Base

Caffe Misto

It generally uses brewed coffee, often from a drip coffee maker. The strength and flavor of Caffe Misto depend on the quality and type of coffee beans used.


It is made with one or two shots of espresso, which is a concentrated coffee brewed by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee beans. Espresso is stronger and more robust in flavor compared to brewed coffee.

2) Milk Ratio

Caffe Misto

It has an approximately 1:1 or 2:1 ratio of coffee to steamed milk, making it milder compared to black coffee but still retaining a coffee-forward flavor.

It has a higher ratio of steamed milk to espresso, typically about 3:1 or more. This results in a creamier, milder, and more milk-centric taste.

3) Strength and Flavor

Caffe Misto

It has a coffee-forward taste with the mild creaminess of steamed milk. The flavor is influenced by the quality and type of brewed coffee used.


A Latte has a milder coffee flavor due to the higher proportion of steamed milk. It’s often described as having a smoother, creamier, and more balanced taste.

4) Presentation

Caffe Misto

It is usually served in a simple cup without significant foam or elaborate designs on the surface. It has a straightforward presentation.


It is often topped with a small amount of milk foam, which can be used to create decorative designs or latte art. The foam adds an aesthetic element to the presentation.

5) Customization

Both beverages can be customized with flavorings, sweeteners, and alternative milk choices to suit individual preferences. However, Latte may offer more options for flavor customization due to the prevalence of syrups and added ingredients.

6) Popularity

Caffe Misto

It is less common and may not be available at all coffee shops or cafes.


On the other hand, latte is more widely recognized and popular in coffee culture, available at a variety of coffee shops and cafes.

7) Temperature

Latte is generally served at a slightly higher temperature than Caffe Misto due to the espresso’s higher brewing temperature, which can affect the perceived flavor and drinking experience.

8) Strength Consistency

Latte tends to offer a more consistent flavor because espresso shots are precisely measured, while the strength and flavor of Caffe Misto can vary based on the specific batch of brewed coffee used.

9) Foam Amount

While Lattes traditionally include a small amount of milk foam on top, Caffe Misto generally does not feature a noticeable layer of foam. This can influence the texture and mouthfeel of the beverages.

If I am presented with Caffe Misto and Latte, how I can identify them?

Identifying Caffe Misto

It is often distinguished by its lighter color compared to a Latte. It appears more similar to regular brewed coffee in terms of hue.

When you smell it, you’ll notice a balanced aroma that combines the distinct coffee fragrance with the subtle sweetness of steamed milk.

Another distinguishing feature is its flavor profile. Caffe Misto offers a coffee-forward taste, similar to a mild black coffee, but with a creamier texture due to the addition of steamed milk. It strikes a harmonious balance between coffee and milk, making it a less intense yet pleasantly flavorful option.

Identifying Latte

A Latte stands out with its creamier and slightly darker appearance, which results from the higher proportion of steamed milk.

When you take a sip, you’ll immediately notice the robust and bold coffee flavor, thanks to the espresso base. This strong coffee presence is one of the signature characteristics of a Latte.

Additionally, Lattes are typically topped with a small amount of milk foam, which you can often use to create or identify intricate latte art, adding an aesthetic touch to the drink.

The espresso base and creamy texture set the Latte apart as a coffee experience with a pronounced focus on the coffee flavor.

Latte or cafe misto: Which should you choose?

Though choosing any one of these coffee beverages is your personal choice, there are some points that you can consider while choosing any one of them

Choose a caffe latte if you prefer:

  • A creamy and velvety texture in your coffee
  • The pronounced taste of espresso due to the creaminess of milk
  • Coffee with an emphasis on the milk’s creamy, slightly sweet character
  • To customize your coffee with various syrups and flavorings

Choose Misto if you prefer:

  • A milder coffee flavor.
  • Brewed coffee, like drip coffee.
  • A simpler coffee experience.
  • A balance between coffee and milk.

Wrapping up

Here, I have covered various differences between latte coffee and Caffe Misto.

I hope after reading this article, you won’t get confused whenever you visit coffee shops like Starbucks and read its menu which includes latte and Caffe Misto.


1) Does Cafe Misto contain sugar?

No, Caffe Misto, as a basic coffee beverage, does not generally contain sugar as part of its standard recipe. However, if you prefer a sweetened Caffe Misto, you can add sugar or other sweeteners to taste, as customization options are commonly available at coffee shops. Some flavored versions of Caffe Misto may include syrups or sweeteners to enhance the taste, so it’s a good practice to check the specific ingredients or ask the barista if you have dietary preferences or sugar concerns.

2) Is Cafe Au Lait the same as Caffe Misto?

Cafe Au Lait and Caffe Misto are similar in that they both combine coffee with steamed milk, resulting in a milder coffee experience. However, they are not exactly the same. Cafe Au Lait is often made with brewed coffee (similar to Caffe Misto) but is more associated with French coffee culture. Caffe Misto is a term you’re more likely to encounter in coffee chains and some North American coffee shops. While the preparation and taste are quite similar, the terminology may differ based on your location and the specific coffee shop you visit. Essentially, both beverages offer a blend of brewed coffee and steamed milk, but the naming convention can vary.

3) How can you tell these two coffee drinks apart visually?

To differentiate these drinks by their appearance, you can focus on several key visual cues. A Latte is characterized by its creamier and darker presentation. This is primarily due to the higher proportion of steamed milk, which gives it a luscious, smooth texture. When you order a Latte, it is generally served in a glass or cup that showcases its creamy richness. Importantly, you can often recognize a Latte by the presence of a small amount of milk foam on the surface, which not only adds an aesthetic dimension but also contributes to its creamier mouthfeel. In contrast, Caffe Misto tends to be lighter in color. It is mostly served in a cup that resembles that of regular brewed coffee, reflecting its connection to drip coffee. The absence of pronounced milk foam is another noticeable feature, giving Caffe Misto a simpler, more straightforward visual identity.

Emily Wilson

Emily Wilson

A skilled home brewer and all time espresso lover