
Cortado vs Americano: 13 Differences You Need to Know

Emily WilsonByEmily Wilson

| October 13, 2023

Suppose, you’re at a coffee shop, and there’s a list of cool drinks on the menu. One says “Cortado,” and another says “Americano” and you get confused between them.

Despite being espresso-based drinks, both Americano and Cortado differ from each other in many ways.

In this article, I will tell you the differences between Americano coffee and Cortado. So when you visit the coffee shop next time, you will be equipped with the exact information for both of them.

Let’s start.

Overview of Cortado

What is Cortado?

Cortado coffee is a delicious and balanced coffee drink that originates from Spain. It’s made by combining a shot of espresso with a small amount of warm, steamed milk.

The word “cortado” actually means “cut” or “shortened” in Spanish, which makes sense because the milk “cuts” the strong espresso, making it milder and creamier.

Cortado coffee served in glass coffee cup with metal handle
(Cortado coffee served in a glass coffee cup with a metal handle)


More Information About Cortado

1) Origins

Cortado is believed to have originated in Spain, particularly in the northern regions of the country. Its name, “cortado,” means “cut” in Spanish, which refers to the way it “cuts” the espresso with milk.

2) Serving Size

It is generally served in a small glass or cup, which is smaller than the standard coffee cup. This smaller serving size allows you to enjoy the coffee-milk combination without it being too diluted or overpowering.

3) Ingredients and preparation

This drink is made by mixing a shot of espresso with a small amount of steamed milk. The espresso provides a strong, intense coffee flavor, while the steamed milk adds a touch of creaminess.

It’s important to note that the milk in a Cortado is not as frothy or abundant as in other coffee drinks like cappuccinos or lattes. It’s more about balancing the flavors than creating a lot of foam.

4) Flavor Profile

The flavor of a Cortado is characterized by the strong, bold notes of espresso with a subtle sweetness and creaminess from the milk. It’s a harmonious blend of rich coffee and the softness of steamed milk.

5) Caffeine Content

While Cortado has less milk compared to other coffee drinks like lattes, it still contains a significant amount of caffeine because of the espresso base. So, it’s a good choice if you want a moderate caffeine boost.

6) Variations

Like many coffee drinks, Cortado has regional and cultural variations. In some places, you might find variations with slightly different milk-to-espresso ratios or variations in milk temperature and frothiness.

Overview of Americano

What is Americano?

An Americano coffee is a simple and satisfying drink made by diluting espresso with hot water. It starts with one or more shots of espresso, which is a strong and rich coffee.

Then, hot water is added to the espresso, making the coffee milder and larger in serving size. This drink keeps the bold flavors of espresso but in a less concentrated form, resulting in a clean and less bitter taste compared to regular drip coffee.

It has more caffeine than regular coffee, making it a great choice if you need an extra caffeine boost. You can customize the strength of your Americano by adding more or less hot water, and you can enjoy it black or with sugar, milk, or cream, depending on your taste.

Coffee cup filled with Americano black coffee on the wooden table
(Coffee cup filled with Americano black coffee on the wooden table)


Americano coffee is appreciated for its simplicity and adaptability, making it a popular choice among coffee drinkers.

More Information About Americano

1) Origins

The Americano coffee has an interesting history. It’s believed to have originated during World War II when American soldiers stationed in Italy found the local espresso too strong for their taste. To make it milder, they began diluting espresso with hot water, creating the Americano.

2) Espresso Base

The foundation of an Americano is one or more shots of espresso. Espresso is known for its bold, rich, and concentrated coffee flavor. It forms the heart of the Americano’s taste.

3) Dilution with Hot Water

To create an Americano, hot water is added to the espresso. This process is like giving a strong coffee a “gentle touch” with hot water, reducing its intensity.

4) Serving Size

Americanos are typically served in larger cups or mugs compared to espresso because of the addition of hot water. This makes them a more generous and satisfying coffee beverage.

5) Flavor Profile

Americanos retain the strong and robust flavors of espresso but in a milder form. They offer a cleaner, crisper taste, and often have less bitterness compared to regular drip coffee.

6) Caffeine Content

Due to the espresso base, Americanos contain more caffeine than standard brewed coffee. So, they provide a good caffeine boost when needed.

7) Customizable Strength

The strength of your Americano can be tailored to your liking. You can achieve a stronger or milder taste by adjusting the amount of hot water added.

Up to here, I am sure that you have got a lot of information about Cortado coffee and Americano. Now its time to compare both these drinks quickly.

Cortado vs Americano: Quick Comparison

1) Origins


Cortado has a Spanish origin.


It is believed to be originated in Italy by the American soldiers and that’s the reason it is known as Americano.

2) Flavor Profile


It offers a harmonious blend of flavors, featuring the bold, robust taste of espresso with a subtle creaminess from the milk. It strikes a balance between the strength of espresso and the softness of milk.


It maintains the bold and robust flavors of espresso but in a less concentrated form. It has a clean, crisp taste, often with less bitterness compared to regular drip coffee.

3) Preparation Difference


Making a Cortado involves preparing a shot of espresso and combining it with a small amount of steamed milk. It’s a relatively simple process, making it accessible to coffee enthusiasts and home baristas.


It is straightforward to prepare. It involves adding hot water to espresso, which dilutes the coffee and results in a milder taste. The simplicity of the drink makes it a favorite among coffee drinkers.

4) Serving Size


It is typically served in small glasses or cups. The small serving size allows you to savor the coffee-milk combination without it being too diluted.


It is served in larger cups or mugs to accommodate the added hot water, making it a more generous and satisfying coffee.

5) Ingredients


It is made by blending a shot of espresso with a small amount of steamed milk. The milk is heated but not frothy, maintaining a balance between the coffee and milk flavors.


It is created by adding hot water to one or more shots of espresso. This dilution process reduces the coffee’s intensity, resulting in a milder, larger coffee.

6) Customization


It is usually enjoyed as it is, with limited room for customization. It is generally appreciated for its simplicity and the precise coffee-to-milk ratio.


It is highly customizable in terms of strength. You can make them as strong or mild as you like by adjusting the amount of hot water.

7) Caffeine Content


It contains a moderate amount of caffeine due to the espresso base, making it a suitable choice if you desire a mild caffeine kick.


It has a higher caffeine content compared to regular drip coffee, thanks to the espresso base. If you need a caffeine boost, Americanos are a good choice.

8) Coffee-to-Milk Ratio


It has a balanced coffee-to-milk ratio, with the espresso’s boldness remaining prominent while introducing a touch of creaminess from the milk.


It has a more straightforward coffee-to-water ratio, where the coffee flavor maintains its strength but is diluted by the addition of hot water.

9) Regional Popularity


It has a strong presence in Spain and has gained popularity in various countries, especially in Europe. They are often found in Spanish-speaking regions.


It is popular worldwide, particularly in the United States, where they have become a staple in coffee culture. They are also enjoyed in many other countries and are readily available in coffee shops worldwide.

10) Food Pairings


It is an excellent companion for lighter snacks or pastries like croissants, biscotti, or plain butter cookies. The balance of bold coffee flavor and subtle creaminess in Cortado complements the simplicity of these treats.


It is versatile and can be paired well with a range of foods. They go great with hearty breakfast items like muffins, scones, or breakfast sandwiches. The bold coffee flavor of the Americano is a nice contrast to the sweetness of baked goods.

11) Ease of Preparation


Making it at home is relatively straightforward and doesn’t require advanced equipment. With only two primary components, it’s accessible to coffee enthusiasts and home baristas.


It is among the easiest coffee drinks to make at home. If you have an espresso machine or even a simple coffee maker, you can prepare an Americano without much fuss. Its simplicity is one of its strengths.

12) Strength


It is known for its strong coffee flavor. The balanced coffee-to-milk ratio ensures that the espresso’s boldness remains prominent, delivering a flavorful coffee experience.


It maintains the robustness of espresso but in a less concentrated form. While they’re strong, the dilution with hot water results in a milder coffee taste compared to a Cortado.

13) Appearance


You can see espresso and steamed milk are visibly blended in Cortado, and it may have a slight crema layer. However, its presentation is not as elaborate as some other espresso drinks.


Americano can have a simple yet inviting appearance. The espresso and hot water blend smoothly, creating a consistent appearance. While they may lack the distinct layers of other coffee drinks, their charm lies in their straightforward and honest presentation.

Cortado or Americano: Which should you choose?

According to me, you should try both of these drinks and then decide which one suits you the most.

However, if you have only one choice then,

Choose a Cortado if you prefer:

  • A strong coffee flavor with a balanced milk touch.
  • A silky and straightforward coffee texture.
  • A smaller serving size for a quick, bold pick-me-up.
  • A straightforward and elegant appearance.
  • Less caffeine content compared to an Americano.
  • A drink that’s popular in Spanish-speaking regions.

Choose an Americano if you prefer:

  • A bolder coffee flavor that’s easily customizable in terms of strength.
  • A more generous serving size for a satisfying coffee experience.
  • An uncomplicated, clean, and crisp taste with less bitterness.
  • A higher caffeine content provides a good caffeine boost.
  • A versatile coffee enjoyed worldwide, particularly in the United States.

Wrapping up

Here, I have got you covered with the differences between Cortado and Americano coffee.

From the difference in preparation to the flavor profile, I have included all the major comparison points between them.

I hope that when you visit any cafe next time, you won’t be confused between Americano and Cortado.

Lastly, the choice between a Cortado and an Americano hinges on personal preference and the coffee experience you desire.

Your decision should reflect your taste and the context of your coffee ritual, whether you seek a balanced coffee-milk blend in a Cortado or the bold, customizable flavors of an Americano.


1) What are some misconceptions about cortado coffee?

Misconception 1: It is the same as lattes or cappuccinos.

While lattes and cappuccinos emphasize milk, Cortados are distinct from cappuccino and other espresso-based drinks for their precise balance of espresso and steamed milk which offers a unique coffee experience where bold espresso and subtle creaminess coexist.

Misconception 2: Cortado is weak or watered down.

Cortados are far from weak; they deliver a bold coffee flavor with a hint of creaminess due to their small serving size, concentrating the taste for a satisfying coffee experience.

Misconception 3: Cortado always contains equal parts espresso and milk.

Though the exact ratio can vary, Cortados generally have more coffee than milk, prioritizing the espresso’s boldness while offering a balanced flavor with a touch of creaminess.

2) Do you sip cortado?

Yes, you can sip a cortado like you would with any other coffee. The small serving size of a cortado encourages sipping to savor the rich coffee flavor and mild creaminess.

3) Can you sweeten Americano coffee?

Yes, you can sweeten an Americano coffee if desired. Many people add sugar or other sweeteners to their Americanos to achieve the desired level of sweetness. You can also customize the flavor by adding milk, cream, or flavor syrups. Americanos are quite versatile and can be adjusted to suit your taste.

4) Can I enjoy these drinks iced or as cold brew versions?

Yes, both Cortados and Americanos can be served iced or as cold brew variations. Iced Cortado offers a refreshing and creamy coffee, while Iced Americano is a popular choice for a cool, bold coffee experience.

Emily Wilson

Emily Wilson

A skilled home brewer and all time espresso lover