
23 Different Types of Espresso Drinks (With Their Images)

Emily WilsonByEmily Wilson

| September 10, 2023

When it comes to espresso, lots of coffee lovers prefer to drink it over any other coffee.

But do you know that espresso is a very versatile coffee beverage. You can use it to make lots of types of other beverages.

In this article, I will introduce you to a wide variety of espresso-based drinks that you can try at cafes or even make them at home.

Let’s start.

What is espresso?

Espresso is a highly concentrated coffee beverage made by forcing a small amount of nearly boiling water through finely-ground coffee beans.

This extracted espresso is often called an espresso shot. It is characterized by its intense flavor, rich aroma, and velvety texture.

Different types of espresso drinks

To make this list easily understandable, I have divided these drinks into categories.

1. Single espresso variations

1) Espresso Solo

An Espresso Solo is also known as a “solo shot”. It is the purest and simplest form of espresso. It consists of a single, concentrated shot of espresso extracted from finely-ground coffee beans.

This drink is known for its intense flavor, bold character, and complex taste profile

woman serving espresso
(Credit: iStock)


Here are insights of Espresso Solo:


A solo shot of espresso typically measures around 1 ounce (30 milliliters) in volume, though it may vary slightly depending on the coffee machine and individual preferences.


When prepared correctly, a solo shot of espresso showcases a layer of crema on its surface. Crema is a creamy, light-brown froth formed during the brewing process and is a hallmark of well-made espresso.


Solo shots are typically served in small demitasse cups or shot glasses, which emphasize their concentrated nature. The espresso is visually appealing, with the dark liquid contrasting beautifully against the crema.

Here’s an overview of its flavor and intensity:


Solo shots are known for their remarkable intensity. The concentrated extraction method results in a potent coffee experience that can be likened to a flavor explosion on the palate.


Espresso solos often have a noticeable bitterness, which is a desirable characteristic when balanced with other flavor elements. It adds depth and complexity to the taste.


Depending on the coffee beans used and the roast level, solo shots may exhibit varying levels of acidity. This acidity can contribute fruity or tangy notes to the flavor.


The aroma of a solo shot of espresso is rich and inviting, with notes that range from earthy and nutty to floral and slightly sweet.


After sipping a solo shot, the flavors linger on the palate, leaving a long and memorable finish that is both satisfying and robust.

2) Ristretto

Ristretto is a highly concentrated and intensely flavored shot of espresso which is known for its brevity and boldness. It is often called the “shorter” and “stronger” sibling of the traditional espresso.

Ristretto is renowned for its remarkable intensity, with a flavor profile that sets it apart from a standard espresso shot.

coffee ristretto in glass on coffee beans background
(Credit: iStock)


Here is the detailed description of Ristretto.


A ristretto shot is significantly smaller in volume compared to a standard espresso shot. It typically measures around 0.5 to 0.75 ounces (15 to 22 milliliters).

(The smaller volume results in a more concentrated and compact coffee experience.)

Extraction time

Ristretto shots are pulled even faster than regular espresso shots, with an extraction time of approximately 15 to 20 seconds. This brief brewing process limits the amount of water that passes through the coffee grounds.


Similar to espresso, a well-made ristretto shot exhibits a layer of crema on its surface, which adds a velvety texture and complexity to the drink.


Ristretto shots are typically served in smaller demitasse cups or shot glasses to highlight their concentrated nature. Despite their diminutive size, they pack a powerful punch of flavor.

Here’s an overview of its flavor and intensity:


This espresso drink is an embodiment of coffee intensity. Because it uses less water during the brewing process, it extracts fewer of the coffee’s soluble compounds, resulting in a highly concentrated and powerful flavor.

Bolder and sweeter taste

The reduced water content in a ristretto shot leads to a bolder and sweeter flavor profile. It often highlights the coffee’s natural sweetness while minimizing the bitterness, creating a harmonious and robust taste.

Rich body

Ristretto shot is known for their full-bodied character, with a thick and syrupy consistency that coats the palate, delivering a luxurious coffee experience.


Depending on the coffee beans used, ristretto shot can exhibit a wide range of flavor notes, from fruity and floral to chocolaty and nutty. The shorter extraction time preserves the coffee’s aromas and nuances.

Short finish

Despite their boldness, ristretto shots often have a shorter finish compared to regular espresso which makes it an ideal choice for those who prefer a quick and intense coffee indulgence.

3) Lungo

A Lungo is an espresso-based coffee beverage known for its extended extraction process.

It results in a larger volume of liquid compared to a standard espresso shot. “Lungo” is Italian for “long,” which describes the character of this coffee.

It has a unique flavor profile characterized by its extended extraction and higher water-to-coffee ratio.

Two cups of espresso (Lungo)
(Credit: iStock)


Here’s a detailed description Lungo.


A Lungo shot is larger in volume than a standard espresso, typically measuring between 2 to 3 ounces (60 to 90 milliliters). This extended extraction process allows for more water to pass through the coffee grounds.

Extraction time

Lungo shots are pulled with a longer extraction time than traditional espresso, usually ranging from 30 to 40 seconds. This prolonged brewing process extracts a greater volume of coffee and flavors from the grounds.


Like espresso, a well-made Lungo shot may feature a layer of crema on its surface, although it is often thinner compared to espresso crema due to the increased water volume.


Lungo shots are typically served in larger cups or glasses than espresso. Despite the larger serving size, they maintain a concentrated and robust flavor.

Here’s an overview of its flavor and intensity:

Milder strength

Lungo shots are milder in strength compared to traditional espresso. The increased water volume dilutes the coffee’s intensity, resulting in a smoother and less concentrated flavor.

Balanced bitterness

Lungo shots tend to have a balanced bitterness, making them more approachable for those who find espresso’s bitterness too intense.

Large volume and mild Flavor

The larger volume of a Lungo allows for a broader extraction of flavors from the coffee grounds. This often results in a milder flavor profile, with nuanced and subtle tasting notes.

Aromatic complexity

Lungo shots can showcase a wider range of aromatic notes, including floral, fruity, and nutty nuances, depending on the coffee beans used and the roast level.

Extended finish

Lungo shots typically have a longer finish compared to espresso, with the flavors lingering on the palate, providing a more drawn-out coffee experience.

2. Double espresso variations

4) Espresso Doppio (Double shot)

Espresso Doppio is also known as a “double shot”. It is a coffee beverage that features twice the amount of espresso found in a standard espresso shot. It is a popular choice for those who desire a stronger and more robust coffee experience.

Full cup of espresso Doppio isolated on black background
(Credit: iStock)


Here’s a detailed description of Doppio.


A double shot of espresso typically measures around 2 ounces (60 milliliters) in volume, which is twice the size of a single espresso shot. This larger volume results in a more substantial and concentrated coffee experience.

Extraction time

The preparation of a double shot involves pulling a larger amount of water through the coffee grounds. It is typically extracted in about 25 to 30 seconds, similar to a standard espresso.


A well-made double shot of espresso exhibits a layer of crema on its surface, similar to a single shot. Crema adds a creamy texture and complexity to the coffee.


Double shots are usually served in slightly larger demitasse cups or glasses compared to single shots, but they maintain the same concentrated nature.

Here’s an overview of its flavor and intensity:

Double intensity

As the name suggests, a double shot of espresso is twice as intense as a single shot. It delivers a bold and powerful coffee flavor with a rich and complex taste profile.


Double shots are known for their full-bodied character, with a thicker and more viscous consistency that coats the palate, providing a luxurious coffee sensation.

Balanced bitterness

While double shots can be strong and bold, they often maintain a balanced bitterness, creating a harmonious and enjoyable coffee experience.

Aromatic depth

The increased coffee volume in a double shot allows for a more extensive extraction of aromatic compounds, resulting in a wide range of flavor notes that can include chocolate, caramel, and nutty undertones.

Sipping and savoring

Due to their intensity, double shots are typically sipped and savored slowly to fully appreciate their flavor complexity and depth.

5) Long Black (Americano)

A Long Black is also known as an “Americano”. It is a coffee beverage made by adding hot water to a shot of espresso. It is known for its milder strength and larger serving size compared to a traditional espresso.

This drink is known for its balanced and approachable flavor profile, combining the richness of espresso with the smoothness of hot water.

Glass cup of Americano espresso coffee
(Credit: iStock)


Here’s a detailed description of Americano coffee.


A Long Black typically consists of one or two shots of espresso with a larger volume of hot water, resulting in a total volume ranging from 4 to 6 ounces (120 to 180 milliliters) or more, depending on personal preference.


To make a Long Black, espresso shots are pulled first, and then hot water is added on top. This method preserves the crema on the espresso, resulting in a rich and aromatic coffee.


A well-prepared Long Black often retains the crema from the espresso, which contributes to the overall flavor and texture of the beverage.


Long Blacks are typically served in larger cups or glasses compared to traditional espresso. Despite the larger serving size, they maintain the concentrated coffee essence.

Here’s an overview of their flavor and intensity:

Milder strength

Long Blacks are milder in strength compared to traditional espresso. The addition of hot water dilutes the coffee’s intensity, resulting in a smoother and more easily approachable flavor.

Balanced bitterness

Long Blacks typically have a well-balanced bitterness, making them suitable for those who find espresso’s bitterness too strong. The hot water addition mellows the flavor.

Aromatic complexity

While milder than espresso, Long Blacks can still showcase a wide range of aromatic notes, including subtle fruity, nutty, or floral undertones. These flavors are influenced by the coffee beans used.


Long Blacks offer versatility in terms of strength. The amount of hot water added can be adjusted to cater to individual preferences, allowing for a customized coffee experience.

3. Milk-based espresso drinks

6) Cappuccino

Cappuccino is a classic espresso-based coffee beverage known for its balanced combination of espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. It is beloved for its creamy texture and flavorful harmony.

It is known for their well-balanced and harmonious flavor profile.

Cup of cappuccino with coffee beans and cinnamon sticks
(Credit: iStock)


Here’s a detailed description of Cappuccino.


A cappuccino typically consists of equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. These three components are layered to create a visually appealing and well-balanced drink.


The total volume of a cappuccino is usually around 6 ounces (180 milliliters), with each component occupying approximately one-third of the cup.

Steamed milk

The steamed milk in a cappuccino is heated to a temperature that enhances its sweetness while maintaining a creamy texture. It forms the middle layer of the beverage.

Milk foam

The top layer of a cappuccino is composed of milk foam, which is created by frothing milk with steam. The foam adds a light and airy texture to the drink and often serves as a canvas for artistic coffee designs.


Cappuccinos are traditionally served in small cups or glasses, and their layered appearance is part of their visual appeal. The contrast between the espresso, steamed milk, and foam creates an inviting aesthetic.

Here’s an overview of their flavor and characteristics:

Rich espresso base

The espresso in a cappuccino provides a strong coffee flavor with hints of sweetness and bitterness. It forms the foundation of the drink, contributing depth and intensity.

Creamy texture

The combination of steamed milk and milk foam imparts a velvety and creamy texture to the cappuccino. This texture enhances the overall mouthfeel and enjoyment.

Mild sweetness

Cappuccinos often have a mild natural sweetness derived from the steamed milk. This sweetness complements the espresso’s flavor without being overly sugary.

Balanced strength

Cappuccinos strike a balance between the intense strength of espresso and the milder character of milk. This balance makes them approachable to a wide range of coffee drinkers.

Aromatic notes

Depending on the quality of the coffee beans used, cappuccinos can exhibit a variety of aromatic notes, such as chocolate, nuts, or floral undertones, contributing to their complexity.

7) Latte

Latte is short for “caffe latte” in Italian. It is a coffee beverage made using espresso and a larger amount of steamed milk. It is known for its creamy and mellow character, with a focus on the milky component.

Lattes are prized for their mild and creamy flavor profile, making them a popular choice among those who prefer a smoother and less intense coffee experience.

Barista making coffee cup latte art
(Credit: iStock)


Here’s a detailed description latte:


A latte consists of espresso and steamed milk, with a smaller amount of milk foam compared to a cappuccino. The ratio of steamed milk to espresso varies, but it is typically heavier on the milk side.


Lattes are typically larger than cappuccinos, with a total volume ranging from 8 to 16 ounces (240 to 480 milliliters) or more. The increased milk content results in a milder coffee flavor.

Steamed milk

Steamed milk in a latte is heated to a temperature that enhances its sweetness and creates a creamy texture. It forms the majority of the beverage.

Milk foam

A latte features a thin layer of milk foam on top, which is created by frothing milk with steam. While the foam is present, it is not as pronounced or voluminous as in a cappuccino.


Lattes are often served in larger cups or glasses to accommodate their larger volume. Their appearance is characterized by a creamy and milky appearance with a slight foam cap.

Mild coffee flavor

Lattes offer a milder coffee flavor compared to espresso-based beverages with a higher coffee-to-milk ratio. The espresso provides a subtle coffee presence, allowing the sweetness of the steamed milk to shine.

Creamy texture

Steamed milk imparts a rich and creamy texture to lattes, making them silky and enjoyable to drink.

Balanced sweetness

Lattes tend to have a pleasant and natural sweetness derived from the steamed milk. This sweetness complements the coffee flavor without being overpowering.


Lattes are versatile and can be customized with various syrups or flavorings (e.g., vanilla, caramel) to create flavored lattes. This versatility allows for a wide range of taste options.

Aromatic notes

The choice of coffee beans can influence the aromatic notes of a latte, which can include hints of chocolate, nuts, or spices, contributing to a layered flavor experience.

8) Macchiato

A Macchiato is a short name of Caffe Macchiato. This drink is a simple yet flavorful espresso-based coffee beverage known for its “stained” or “marked” appearance.

It is made by adding a small amount of frothy milk or milk foam to a shot of espresso.

Latte Macchiato Served with Macarons
(Credit: iStock)


Here’s a detailed description of Macchiato.


A Caffe Macchiato typically consists of a single shot of espresso “stained” or “marked” with a small dollop of frothy milk or milk foam. The milk component is minimal, allowing the espresso’s flavor to shine.


Macchiatos are served in small cups or glasses, similar in size to espresso cups, typically holding around 1 to 2 ounces (30 to 60 milliliters) of liquid.

Frothy milk

The frothy milk or milk foam used to “mark” the espresso adds a creamy and textural element to the drink. It is often prepared by frothing a small amount of milk with steam.


The presentation of a Caffe Macchiato depicts its simplicity and contrast. The small amount of milk is added to the espresso in a way that creates a distinct visual effect, resembling a “stain” or “mark.”

Here’s an overview of their flavor and characteristics:

Coffee focus

The espresso in a Macchiato remains the star of the show, delivering a robust and intense coffee flavor with hints of sweetness, bitterness, and complex aromatic notes.

Creamy contrast

The frothy milk or milk foam, although minimal in quantity, adds a contrasting creamy texture to the drink. This textural contrast enhances the overall coffee experience.

Balanced simplicity

This beverage strikes a balance between the pure intensity of espresso and the creamy aspect of milk. This balance makes them an excellent choice for those who prefer a simple yet flavorful coffee.

Quick enjoyment

Due to its smaller size and concentrated flavor, a Macchiato is often consumed quickly, making it an ideal choice for a quick caffeine fix or a brief coffee break.

Aromatic notes

Depending on the coffee beans used, Macchiatos can exhibit various aromatic notes, such as caramel, nuts, or floral undertones, enhancing the sensory experience.

9) Flat White

A Flat White is a coffee beverage that originated in Australia and New Zealand. It is known for its velvety texture and balanced blend of espresso and microfoam milk.

Flat Whites are known for their velvety flavor profile. They offer a harmonious blend of espresso and silky microfoam milk.

The perfect flat white served at a cafe
(Credit: iStock)


Here’s a detailed description of Flat White.


A Flat White typically consists of a double shot of espresso combined with steamed microfoam milk. The focus is on the espresso-milk combination, with minimal to no milk foam on top.


The total volume of a Flat White ranges from 5 to 8 ounces (150 to 240 milliliters), making it larger than a cappuccino but smaller than a latte. The espresso-milk ratio is carefully balanced.

Microfoam milk

The milk used in a Flat White is steamed to create microfoam, which is characterized by its fine, velvety texture. Unlike a cappuccino or latte, there is typically no thick milk foam on top.


Flat Whites are served in cups or glasses that are slightly larger than espresso cups. They are known for their smooth, creamy appearance with a glossy surface.

Here’s an overview of their flavor and characteristics:

Espresso focus

The espresso in a Flat White provides a strong coffee flavor with subtle sweetness, bitterness, and a rich complexity. It serves as the drink’s foundation.

Silky texture

The steamed microfoam milk adds a velvety and silky texture to the beverage, creating a smooth and luxurious mouthfeel.

Balanced strength

Flat Whites maintain a balance between the intensity of espresso and the creaminess of milk. This balance results in a coffee experience that is bold yet approachable.

Latte art

Flat Whites often feature latte art designs on the surface, showcasing the barista’s skill and attention to detail. These designs add an aesthetic element to the coffee.

Aromatic nuances

Depending on the coffee beans used, Flat Whites can offer a range of aromatic notes, such as chocolate, caramel, or floral hints, enhancing the overall sensory experience.

4. Indulgent espresso-based beverages

10) Mocha

A Mocha, short for “Café Mocha,” is a delightful coffee beverage that combines the richness of espresso with the indulgence of chocolate.

It’s known for its balanced blend of espresso, steamed milk, chocolate, and sometimes whipped cream.

Mocha coffee served in hot chocolate mug in a cafe
(Credit: iStock)


Here’s a detailed description of Mocha:


A Mocha typically consists of a shot of espresso, steamed milk, and cocoa (chocolate) powder or chocolate syrup. It is often topped with whipped cream for added decadence.


The total volume of a Mocha can vary, but it generally ranges from 8 to 12 ounces (240 to 360 milliliters), depending on personal preference and the coffee shop’s standard.

Cocoa element

The cocoa component in a Mocha provides a rich and chocolatey flavor that complements the coffee. It can be in the form of unsweetened cocoa powder or sweetened chocolate syrup.

Whipped cream

While not always included, many Mochas are topped with a dollop of whipped cream, adding a creamy and luxurious touch.


Mochas are often presented in larger cups or glasses than espresso drinks, and their appearance is characterized by the chocolatey-brown color and the optional whipped cream garnish.

Here’s an overview of their flavor and characteristics:

Coffee-chocolate harmony

Mochas strike a delightful balance between the boldness of espresso and the sweetness of chocolate. The coffee and chocolate flavors complement each other, creating a harmonious taste.

Creamy texture

The combination of steamed milk and sometimes whipped cream imparts a creamy and smooth texture to the drink, making it rich and satisfying.

Chocolate variations

Depending on the recipe and personal preference, Mochas can have varying degrees of chocolate intensity, from mildly chocolaty to intensely chocolatey.


Mochas tend to be sweeter than traditional coffee beverages due to the presence of chocolate. The level of sweetness can be adjusted by controlling the amount of chocolate used.

Occasional toppings

Whipped cream, when added, provides an extra layer of richness and indulgence. It also serves as a canvas for creative coffee art.

11) Affogato

An Affogato is a delightful Italian dessert that combines the simplicity of vanilla ice cream or gelato with the boldness of hot espresso. It’s known for its contrast of temperatures and flavors.

Hot espresso is being poured on the vanilla ice cream to make espresso affogato
(Credit: iStock)


Here’s a detailed description of Espresso Affogato:


An Affogato consists of a scoop of high-quality vanilla ice cream or gelato “drowned” or “affogato” in a shot of freshly brewed hot espresso.


The size of an Affogato can vary, but it is typically served in a small bowl or glass. The espresso is poured over the ice cream just before consumption.

Ice cream choice

While vanilla is the classic choice, variations of Affogato may use different ice cream flavors, adding an extra layer of complexity to the dessert.

Read: Espresso Affogato Recipe


The presentation of an Affogato is simple yet elegant, featuring a scoop of ice cream bathed in the rich and aromatic espresso.

Here’s an overview of its flavor and characteristics:

Temperature contrast

The essence of Affogato lies in the temperature contrast between the hot espresso and the cold ice cream. As the espresso is poured over the ice cream, it begins to melt, creating a luscious coffee sauce.

Espresso boldness

The espresso in an Affogato provides a strong and intense coffee flavor with hints of sweetness and bitterness. It interacts with the ice cream to create a harmonious blend of flavors.

Creamy indulgence

The ice cream or gelato adds a creamy and indulgent texture to the dessert. It’s a perfect complement to the boldness of the coffee.


While vanilla is the traditional choice, Affogato can be customized with various ice cream flavors, allowing for creative and personalized variations.

Quick enjoyment

Affogato is typically consumed quickly to savor the contrast of temperatures and flavors at their best.

5. Cold espresso drinks

12) Iced Espresso

Iced Espresso, also known as “Espresso on the Rocks” or “Espresso over Ice,” is a refreshing coffee beverage that combines the intensity of espresso with the cooling effect of ice.

It’s a popular choice, especially during warm weather.

Ice cubes are added in the espresso coffee
(Credit: iStock)


Here’s a detailed description of Iced Espresso.


Iced Espresso is a straightforward drink consisting of a shot of freshly brewed espresso, which is poured directly over a glass filled with ice cubes.


The total volume of an Iced Espresso can vary depending on the size of the glass and the amount of ice used, but it typically ranges from 4 to 8 ounces (120 to 240 milliliters).


The espresso used in Iced Espresso is brewed using the same process as a regular espresso shot. It should be hot and freshly extracted.


The ice cubes in the glass serve to rapidly cool down the hot espresso, resulting in a refreshing and chilled coffee beverage.


Iced Espresso is typically served in a tall glass or tumbler filled with ice cubes. Its appearance is characterized by the contrast between the dark coffee and the ice.

Here’s an overview of its flavor and characteristics:


Iced Espresso retains the full intensity and flavor of a regular espresso shot. The rapid cooling process preserves the coffee’s boldness and aromatic notes.

Chilled refreshment

The presence of ice cubes makes Iced Espresso a highly refreshing beverage, perfect for hot days or as a quick pick-me-up.

Minimal dilution

While some dilution occurs as the ice melts, Iced Espresso is less diluted than traditional iced coffee since it starts with a concentrated espresso shot.


Iced Espresso can be customized to suit individual preferences by adding sweeteners, flavored syrups, or a dash of milk or cream.

Quick enjoyment

Iced Espresso is often enjoyed quickly to savor its crispness and bold coffee flavor while it’s at its best.

13) Espresso Tonic

Espresso tonic is a trendy coffee beverage that combines the vibrant qualities of tonic water with the rich and bold character of espresso.

It’s known for its refreshing and invigorating taste.

Preparing Espresso Tonic
(Credit: iStock)


Here’s its detailed description of Espresso tonic:


Espresso tonic consists of a shot of freshly brewed espresso, which is poured over a glass filled with ice and tonic water. It may also include a slice of citrus, such as lemon or lime, for added aroma and flavor.


The total volume of an Espresso tonic can vary depending on the glass size and the amount of tonic water used, but it typically ranges from 8 to 12 ounces (240 to 360 milliliters).

Espresso preparation

The espresso shot used in Espresso tonic should be hot and freshly extracted, as the contrast with the cold tonic water is a key element of the drink.

Tonic water

Tonic water is carbonated and adds effervescence to the beverage. It complements the coffee with its refreshing and slightly bitter undertones.

Citrus garnish

Some versions of Espresso tonic include a citrus garnish, such as a lemon or lime slice, which enhances the drink’s aroma and adds a hint of citrusy brightness.

Here’s an overview of its flavor and characteristics:

Contrasting elements

Espresso Tonic offers a delightful contrast between the intense and robust coffee flavor of espresso and the effervescent, slightly bitter, and quenching nature of tonic water.

Refreshing bubbly

The carbonation in tonic water provides a bubbly and refreshing sensation, making Espresso Tonic an ideal choice for a cooling and invigorating coffee experience.

Citrusy twist

The addition of a citrus garnish, if included, adds a subtle citrusy aroma and flavor that complements the coffee and tonic water, creating a harmonious blend of taste and scent.


This drink can be customized by adjusting the ratio of espresso to tonic water, adding sweeteners, or experimenting with different types of coffee beans for varied flavor profiles.

Visual appeal

The appearance of Espresso Tonic is characterized by the dark coffee swirling with the clear, effervescent tonic water, creating an enticing visual effect.

7. Regional and cultural espresso drinks

14) Spanish Espresso (Cafe Solo)

This drink is also called “Cafe Solo”. It is a strong and concentrated coffee beverage enjoyed throughout Spain.

It’s known for its simplicity and robust flavor.

Traditional Spanish coffee served on the black table
(Credit: iStock)


Here’s a detailed description of Cafe solo espresso beverage:


Cafe Solo consists of a single shot of espresso brewed from finely ground coffee beans. It is served in a small cup or glass, usually without any additional ingredients.


The total volume of a Cafe Solo is relatively small, generally around 1 to 2 ounces (30 to 60 milliliters). This compact size allows the drinker to savor the concentrated coffee flavor.

Espresso preparation

Cafe Solo is made using an espresso machine, which forces hot water through finely ground coffee beans under high pressure which results in a quick and intense extraction.

No additions

Traditional Cafe Solo is served without sugar, milk, or flavorings, allowing the pure coffee flavor to shine.


This beverage is generally served in small cups or glasses. This indirectly showsits concentrated nature. It has a dark and rich appearance.

Here’s an overview of its flavor and characteristics:

Intense strength

Cafe Solo is known for its intensity and robust coffee flavor. The concentrated extraction process highlights the full spectrum of coffee’s natural taste, including hints of bitterness and sweetness.

Quick enjoyment

Due to its small size and concentrated nature, Cafe Solo is typically consumed quickly. This makes it a popular choice for a quick caffeine boost.

No dilution

Unlike other espresso-based drinks, Cafe Solo is not diluted with milk or water, ensuring that the coffee flavor remains pure and undiluted.


While Cafe Solo is traditionally served black, some individuals may choose to add sugar to taste. However, the traditional preparation shows the coffee’s inherent qualities.


Cafe Solo embodies simplicity in coffee preparation, allowing coffee enthusiasts to fully appreciate the natural characteristics of the coffee beans used.

15) Turk Kahvesi

It is a traditional and iconic coffee preparation method originating from Turkey. It’s known for its unique brewing technique and rich, aromatic flavors.

Turk Kahvesi espresso drink served in white cup
(Credit: iStock)


Here’s a detailed description of Truk Kahvesi.


It is made from finely ground coffee beans, cold water, and sugar (optional). It is brewed in a special pot called a “cezve” or “ibrik.”


A standard serving of Turk Kahvesi is relatively small, typically ranging from 1 to 2 ounces (30 to 60 milliliters).

Brewing method

It is prepared by simmering finely ground coffee beans with cold water and sugar (if desired) in a cezve or ibrik. It’s heated gently until it forms a frothy layer on top.

Ground coffee

The coffee used to make this Turkish coffee is ground to a very fine powder, almost like powdered sugar, which contributes to the unique texture and flavor of the brew.


It is traditionally served in a small, handleless cup called a “fincan.” It is often accompanied by a glass of cold water and a sweet treat like Turkish delight.

Here’s an overview of its flavor and characteristics:

Robust flavor

Turkish Coffee is known for its bold and intense coffee flavor. The fine coffee grounds allow for a full extraction of flavors, resulting in a concentrated and satisfying brew.


The unique preparation method creates a thick and sludgy coffee texture with a layer of foam on top, known as “kaymak.” This foam adds to the coffee’s creamy mouthfeel.

Aromatic complexity

It is known for its complex aroma, with notes of earthiness, spices, and sometimes floral or fruity undertones, depending on the coffee beans used.


Sugar is generally added during the brewing process, providing a natural sweetness that balances the coffee’s bitterness. The level of sweetness can be adjusted to taste.

Traditional ritual

This is more than just a beverage; it is a cultural tradition and a symbol of hospitality in many Middle Eastern and Balkan countries.

16) Cortado

A Cortado is a delightful coffee beverage that originated in Spain and is enjoyed worldwide for its harmonious balance between espresso and steamed milk.

It’s known for its simplicity and bold flavor.

Barista adding milk to make Cortado coffee
(Credit: iStock)


Here’s a detailed description of Cortado.


A Cortado is composed of a shot of espresso “cut” or “mixed” with a small amount of warm, steamed milk. The ratio of coffee to milk is balanced, allowing both elements to shine.


The total volume of a Cortado typically ranges from 4 to 5 ounces (120 to 150 milliliters), making it smaller than a latte but larger than a macchiato.

Steamed milk

The steamed milk in a Cortado is heated to a temperature that enhances its sweetness while maintaining a creamy texture. It forms a significant part of the beverage.

No foam

Unlike some espresso-based drinks, Cortado is not topped with milk foam. Instead, it showcases the simplicity of coffee and milk interaction.


Cortados are often served in small cups or glasses, emphasizing their concentrated and balanced nature. Their appearance showcases the dark coffee mixing with the creamy milk.

Here’s an overview of its flavor and characteristics:

Coffee-milk harmony

The Cortado strikes a perfect balance between the intensity of espresso and the creaminess of steamed milk. The coffee and milk complement each other, creating a harmonious flavor.

Creamy texture

The steamed milk adds a velvety and creamy texture to the beverage, enhancing the overall mouthfeel and making it satisfying to drink.

Coffee emphasis

While the milk in a Cortado contributes creaminess and a touch of sweetness, the espresso remains the star, providing a strong coffee flavor with hints of bitterness and complexity.


Cortados can be customized to individual preferences by adjusting the coffee-to-milk ratio or adding flavorings like vanilla or caramel.

Quick enjoyment

Cortados are often consumed quickly, allowing coffee enthusiasts to savor the coffee’s boldness while enjoying the milk’s creaminess.

17) Red Eye Espresso

A Red Eye, also known as a “Shot in the Dark,” is a caffeinated coffee concoction that combines brewed coffee with a shot of espresso.

It’s a go-to choice for those seeking an extra caffeine kick in their morning cup.

Woman holding a glass cup filled with red eye espresso coffee
(Credit: iStock)


Here’s a detailed description of Red Eye Espresso.


A Red Eye is made by adding a shot of freshly brewed espresso to a cup of brewed coffee. The espresso is typically poured directly into the brewed coffee.


The total volume of a Red Eye can vary depending on the size of the cup and the ratio of coffee to espresso, but it’s generally larger than a traditional espresso shot.

Espresso shot

The espresso shot used in a Red Eye is brewed using an espresso machine, ensuring a concentrated and bold coffee flavor.

Brewed coffee

The brewed coffee component can be any type of coffee, such as drip coffee, French press, or pour-over, and it is often made from ground coffee beans.

No Milk or additions

Traditional Red Eye is served without milk, sugar, or flavorings, focusing solely on the combination of coffee and espresso.


Red Eyes are typically served in a regular coffee cup, and their appearance resembles that of regular coffee but with a bolder flavor.

Let’s have an overview of its flavor and characteristics:

Caffeine boost

The addition of espresso to brewed coffee significantly increases the caffeine content, making Red Eye a powerful pick-me-up for those seeking an energy boost.

Bold flavor

Red Eye offers a robust coffee flavor that combines the depth and intensity of espresso with the milder character of brewed coffee. It’s bold, aromatic, and full-bodied.

Quick consumption

Red Eyes are often enjoyed quickly, especially in the morning, to provide a jolt of energy for the day ahead.


While traditional Red Eye is served black, some individuals may choose to add sugar or cream to suit their taste preferences.


Depending on regional preferences and terminology, Red Eyes may have different names and variations. For example, a “Black Eye” includes two shots of espresso in brewed coffee for an even stronger caffeine kick.

18) Black Eye

In the world of espresso, a Black Eye is also known as a “Dead Eye”. It is a coffee beverage that takes the caffeine intensity up a notch by combining brewed coffee with two shots of espresso.

It’s a high-octane choice for those who need an extra jolt of energy.

Black eye coffee explained on the sketch
(Credit: iStock)


Here’s its detailed description of Black Eye.


A Black Eye is made by adding two shots of freshly brewed espresso to a cup of brewed coffee. The espresso shots are typically poured directly into the brewed coffee.


The total volume of a Black Eye can vary depending on the size of the cup and the ratio of coffee to espresso, but it’s generally larger than a traditional espresso shot.

Number of espresso shots

The two espresso shots used in a Black Eye are brewed using an espresso machine, ensuring a concentrated and bold coffee flavor.

Brewed coffee

The brewed coffee component can be any type of coffee, such as drip coffee, French press, or pour-over, and it is often made from ground coffee beans.

No Milk or additions

Traditional Black Eye is served without milk, sugar, or flavorings, focusing solely on the combination of coffee and espresso.


Black Eyes are typically served in a regular coffee cup, resembling the appearance of regular coffee but with a significantly bolder flavor.

Here’s an overview of its flavor and characteristics:

Caffeine overdrive

With the addition of two espresso shots to brewed coffee, Black Eye delivers a powerful caffeine punch, making it one of the strongest coffee beverages available.

Bold and aromatic

Black Eye offers a robust coffee flavor that combines the depth and intensity of espresso with the milder character of brewed coffee. It’s bold, aromatic, and full-bodied.

Quick consumption

Black Eyes are often enjoyed quickly, especially in the morning or during long days, to provide a potent and sustained caffeine kick.


While traditional Black Eye is served black, some individuals may choose to add sugar or cream to suit their taste preferences.

19) Dripped Eye

A Dripped Eye is a coffee concoction that combines brewed coffee with a shot of espresso. It offers a caffeine boost without the intensity of a Black Eye.

It’s a balanced choice for those seeking extra flavor and energy.

Dripped eye espresso
(Credit: iStock)


Here’s a detailed description of Dripped Eye.


A Dripped Eye is made by adding a shot of freshly brewed espresso to a cup of brewed coffee. The espresso shot is typically poured directly into the brewed coffee.


The total volume of a Dripped Eye can vary depending on the size of the cup and the ratio of coffee to espresso, but it’s generally larger than a traditional espresso shot.

Espresso shot

The espresso shot used in a Dripped Eye is brewed using an espresso machine, ensuring a concentrated and bold coffee flavor.

Brewed coffee

The brewed coffee component can be any type of coffee, such as drip coffee, French press, or pour-over, and it is often made from ground coffee beans.

No milk or additions

Like Red eye and Black eye espresso, traditional Dripped Eye is served without milk, sugar, or flavorings, focusing on the combination of coffee and espresso.


Dripped Eyes are typically served in a regular coffee cup, resembling the appearance of regular coffee but with a bolder flavor.

Caffeine enhancement

With the addition of a shot of espresso to brewed coffee, Dripped Eye provides a caffeine boost beyond that of regular coffee, making it an ideal choice for those seeking extra energy.

Flavorful blend

Dripped Eye offers a well-balanced coffee flavor that combines the depth and intensity of espresso with the milder character of brewed coffee. It’s flavorful, aromatic, and satisfying.

Quick enjoyment

Dripped Eyes are often enjoyed quickly, especially in the morning or during breaks, to provide an enjoyable coffee experience with an added caffeine kick.


While traditional Dripped Eye is served black, some individuals may choose to add sugar or cream to suit their taste preferences.

20) Lazy Eye

A Lazy Eye, also known as a “Shot in the Dark with Milk,” is a coffee beverage that adds a touch of creaminess to the bold combination of brewed coffee and espresso.

It’s a flavorful and caffeinated choice for those seeking a delightful coffee experience.

Man making Lazy Eye Espresso coffee
(Credit: iStock)

Here’s a detailed description of Lazy Eye:


A Lazy Eye is made by adding a shot of freshly brewed espresso to a cup of brewed coffee, along with a small amount of steamed milk. The espresso shot is typically poured directly into the brewed coffee and milk.


The total volume of a Lazy Eye can vary depending on the size of the cup and the ratio of coffee to espresso and milk, but it’s generally larger than a traditional espresso shot.

Espresso shot

The espresso shot used in a Lazy Eye is brewed using an espresso machine, ensuring a concentrated and bold coffee flavor.

Brewed coffee

The brewed coffee component can be any type of coffee, such as drip coffee, French press, or pour-over, and it is often made from ground coffee beans.

Steamed milk

Steamed milk is added to the Lazy Eye to provide creaminess and a slight sweetness. The amount of milk used is typically less than what’s found in a latte or cappuccino.

No flavorings

Traditional Lazy Eye is served without additional flavorings or sweeteners, allowing the coffee, espresso, and milk to shine.


Lazy Eyes are typically served in a regular coffee cup, featuring a balance between coffee’s dark hue and the creamy milk.

Here’s an overview of its flavor and characteristics:

Harmonious blend

Lazy Eye achieves a harmonious balance between the robustness of espresso, the depth of brewed coffee, and the creaminess of steamed milk. These elements come together to create a well-rounded flavor.

Creamy texture

The steamed milk in a Lazy Eye contributes to a velvety and creamy texture, enhancing the overall mouthfeel and making it a satisfying coffee choice.

Caffeine enhancement

With the addition of espresso to brewed coffee, Lazy Eye provides a moderate caffeine boost, making it suitable for those seeking both flavor and energy.

Quick enjoyment

Lazy Eyes are often enjoyed quickly, providing a delightful coffee experience with a touch of creaminess and an added caffeine kick.


While traditional Lazy Eye is served without additional flavorings or sweeteners, some individuals may choose to customize it with sugar or flavored syrups.

21) Black Tie

A Black Tie espresso drink is also known as a “Yuan Yang” in some regions. It is a unique coffee beverage that blends the richness of Thai iced tea with the boldness of espresso.

It’s known for its exotic flavor profile and delightful combination of two distinct beverages.

Barista pouring hot steamed milk in espresso shot to make black tie espresso coffee
(Credit: iStock)


Here’s a detailed description of Black Tie:


A Black Tie consists of a shot of freshly brewed espresso, Thai iced tea, and condensed milk. These components are carefully layered or mixed to create a harmonious flavor.


The total volume of a Black Tie can vary depending on the size of the glass and the ratio of coffee to Thai tea and condensed milk, but it’s generally larger than a traditional espresso shot.

Espresso shot

The espresso shot used in a Black Tie is brewed using an espresso machine, ensuring a concentrated and bold coffee flavor.

Condensed milk

Sweetened condensed milk is added to the Black Tie, enhancing its creaminess and sweetness. The amount of condensed milk can be adjusted to taste.


Black Ties are often served in a tall glass, and their appearance showcases the layered or marbled effect of the coffee and Thai tea mixture.

Here’s an overview of its flavor and characteristics:

Exotic fusion

Black Tie offers a delightful fusion of flavors, with the rich and bold espresso contrasting with the sweet and spiced notes of Thai iced tea.

Creamy and sweet

The addition of condensed milk provides creaminess and sweetness to the beverage, creating a luscious and indulgent taste.

Aromatic complexity

Black Tie boasts a complex aroma, featuring the fragrant spices from Thai tea, the boldness of coffee, and the sweet creaminess of condensed milk.

Visual appeal

The appearance of Black Tie is characterized by its marbled or layered effect, where the coffee and Thai tea mix in a visually appealing way.

22) Galalo

A Galao is a coffee beverage that hails from Portugal, and it’s beloved for its unique combination of espresso and hot milk, similar to a latte but with a distinct Portuguese twist.

Galalo espresso coffee being poured in a glass cup
(Credit: iStock)


Here’s a detailed description Galalo drink:


A Galao is made by combining a shot of freshly brewed espresso with a generous amount of hot milk. Unlike a latte, where the milk is steamed, Galao uses plain hot milk, resulting in a different flavor and texture.


The total volume of a Galao is typically larger than that of a traditional espresso shot, often ranging from 8 to 12 ounces (240 to 360 milliliters) due to the addition of milk.

Espresso shot

The espresso shot used in a Galao is brewed using an espresso machine, ensuring a concentrated and bold coffee flavor.

Hot milk

The hot milk in a Galão is heated to a temperature that enhances its sweetness while maintaining a creamy texture. It is not typically frothed, resulting in a smoother texture compared to a latte.

No flavorings

Traditional Galao is served without additional flavorings or sweeteners, allowing the coffee and milk to be the focus.


Galao is typically served in a tall glass, showcasing the layered effect of the coffee and hot milk. It may also be garnished with a dusting of cocoa or cinnamon.

Here’s an overview of its flavor and characteristics:

Mild and creamy

Galao offers a milder coffee flavor compared to a straight espresso, with the hot milk contributing to a smooth and creamy mouthfeel.

Balance of coffee and milk

The coffee and hot milk in a Galão are well-balanced, making it a comforting and satisfying coffee beverage.

Warmth and comfort

Galão is often enjoyed for its comforting and warming qualities, making it a popular choice in Portuguese coffee culture.


While traditional Galão is served plain, it can be customized with sugar or flavored syrups to suit individual preferences.

23) Espresso Con Panna

Espresso Con Panna, which translates to “espresso with cream” in Italian, is a classic coffee beverage that combines a shot of espresso with a dollop of whipped cream.

It’s known for its simple yet indulgent composition.

Espresso Con Panna
(Credit: iStock)


Here’s a detailed description of Espresso Con Panna:


Espresso Con Panna consists of a single shot of freshly brewed espresso topped with a generous dollop of whipped cream. The whipped cream is typically unsweetened, allowing the natural sweetness of the espresso to shine.


The total volume of this drink is relatively small, typically ranging from 1 to 2 ounces (30 to 60 milliliters), with the whipped cream adding a luxurious texture.

Espresso shot

The espresso shot used in it is brewed using an espresso machine, ensuring a concentrated and bold coffee flavor.

Whipped cream

The whipped cream used in this beverage is typically heavy cream that has been whipped until it reaches a thick and fluffy consistency.

No flavorings

Traditional Espresso Con Panna is served without additional flavorings or sweeteners, allowing the contrast between the espresso and the cream to be the highlight.


This espresso-based drink is served in a small espresso cup or glass. Its appearance showcases the dark espresso contrasting with the light and creamy whipped topping.

Here’s an overview of its flavor and characteristics:

Contrasting textures

Espresso Con Panna offers a delightful contrast between the intense and robust coffee flavor of espresso and the silky, creamy texture of whipped cream.

Indulgent sweetness

While the whipped cream is typically unsweetened, its natural sweetness combines with the espresso’s inherent sweetness, resulting in a luscious and balanced taste.


Espresso Con Panna can be customized to individual preferences by adjusting the ratio of whipped cream to espresso or by adding flavored syrups for variations like caramel or chocolate.

Quick enjoyment

Espresso Con Panna is often enjoyed quickly to savor the harmonious blend of flavors and textures while they’re at their best.

Wrapping up

Here, I have got you covered with various espresso-based coffee beverages. These beverages are very famous and consumed by espresso lovers all over the world.

I hope that here you have got lots of information about these drinks. You haven’t tried any of these, give yourself a chance to enjoy them.

Emily Wilson

Emily Wilson

A skilled home brewer and all time espresso lover