
Frappe vs Latte: 11+ Major Differences To Know

Andrew StevensonByAndrew Stevenson

| February 3, 2024

Frappuccino and latte both are the most popular coffee drinks.

In this article, I will tell you the differences between a frappe and a latte.

Let’s start.

Frappe Overview

What is Frappe?

Frappe is a cold coffee beverage that originated in Greece. It includes instant coffee, water, sugar, and ice. All these ingredients are blended to create a frothy and refreshing drink.

The term “frappe” is derived from the French word “frapper,” which means to hit or strike.

History of frappuccino

The history of frappe is closely tied to Starbucks which is one of the world’s leading coffeehouse chains.

In the early 1990s, The Coffee Connection, a small Boston-based chain, introduced the Frappuccino, a concoction of coffee, ice, milk, and sugar blended into a smooth and frothy consistency.

Then Starbucks acquired it in 1994, gaining the rights to the Frappuccino recipe. This was the beginning of the beverage’s widespread popularity as Starbucks incorporated it into its menu.

The original Frappuccino was a simple blend of coffee and ice, but Starbucks introduced various flavors like mocha, caramel, and vanilla in frappuccino.

After this, Starbucks continued to innovate the Frappuccino. It introduced limited-time seasonal flavors, specialty editions, and even a “Light” version with reduced calories.

The Frappuccino’s journey from a local Boston chain to a globally recognized Starbucks drink shows its impact on the coffee industry and consumer preferences.

Today, Starbucks continues to introduce new flavors and innovations, ensuring the Frappuccino remains a dynamic and cherished part of its menu.

How to Make Frappe?

Step 1: Gather the Needed Ingredients

Measure out the instant coffee, sugar, and cold water, and prepare a handful of ice cubes.

Step 2: Combine all the Ingredients

In a blender or shaker, add the instant coffee and sugar.

Step 3: Add Cold Water

Pour the cold water over the coffee and sugar mixture.

Step 4: Blend the mixture or Shake it

If using a blender, blend the ingredients until thick foam forms on top. If using a shaker, vigorously shake the mixture for a minute or two.

Step 5: Add ice cubes

Place the ice cubes in a glass. The amount of ice can be adjusted based on personal preference.

Step 6: Pour and Serve

Pour the blended frappe over the ice in the glass.

Latte Overview

What is Latte?

Latte is the short for “caffè latte” in Italian. It is a popular espresso-based drink that combines espresso with steamed milk and a small layer of frothed milk on top.

The word “latte” itself means milk in Italian which reflects the prominent role that milk plays in this beverage.

Lattes are known for their smooth, creamy texture and balanced flavor profile.

History of latte

The history of the latte is rooted in Italian espresso culture, where the tradition of combining coffee with milk has existed for centuries.

Originally, “caffè latte” was known as a simple coffee with milk, served in large bowls.

However, with the rise of espresso machines in the early 20th century, the coffee landscape underwent significant changes.

Italian immigrants carried their coffee culture worldwide which led to the spread of espresso-based drinks, including lattes, outside of Italy.

The modern latte, as we know it today, began to take shape during the coffeehouse boom in the 1980s and 1990s in the United States.

These establishments, influenced by Italian coffee traditions, standardized the latte as a drink containing a shot of espresso, steamed milk, and a thin layer of frothed milk on top.

Starbucks played a crucial role in making lattes a mainstream beverage. Their menu featured lattes in various sizes and flavors. After this various coffee houses also started including this drink in their menu.

Today, lattes are enjoyed in various forms, including iced lattes and flavored variations, showcasing the adaptability and enduring popularity of this beloved espresso-based beverage.

How to Make Latte?

Step 1: Brew Espresso shots

Make a shot of espresso using an espresso machine or brew a strong cup of coffee. If you don’t have an espresso machine, you can use a Moka pot or a French press to make a concentrated coffee.

Step 2: Heat Milk

Pour the milk into a frothing pitcher or a microwave-safe container. Heat the milk until it is warm but not boiling. If using an espresso machine with a steam wand, steam the milk directly in the frothing pitcher.

Step 3: Froth the Milk

Froth the milk using a steam wand or a milk frother until it reaches a creamy and velvety texture. Hold the frother just beneath the surface to create foam.

Step 4: Combine Espresso and Milk

Pour the freshly brewed espresso or coffee into a coffee mug.

Step 5: Add Frothed Milk

Pour the frothed milk over the espresso, holding back the foam with a spoon to control the pour. Leave some space at the top for the foam.

Step 6: Top with Foam

Spoon the remaining foam over the top of the latte.

Step 7: Add sugar to taste

Add sugar or sweetener to taste. You can also include flavorings like vanilla or caramel for an extra layer of flavor.

Step 8: Stir and Enjoy

Give the latte a gentle stir to combine the espresso and frothed milk. Your homemade latte is now ready to be enjoyed!

Frappuccino vs Latte: Quick Summary

1) Ingredients and Composition

A Frappuccino includes instant coffee, ice, milk, and sweeteners, all blended to create a cold and frothy beverage. It can also include additional flavorings, whipped cream, and toppings.

On the other hand, a latte is an espresso-based drink made with a shot of espresso, steamed milk, and a thin layer of frothed milk on top. Lattes are known for their creamy texture and balanced coffee flavor.

2) Preparation Method

The preparation of frappe involves blending instant coffee, ice, milk, and sweeteners in a blender. It results in a chilled, slushy consistency with a frothy top.

Whereas the Lattes are traditionally prepared by pulling a shot of espresso, steaming milk, and combining the two. The steamed milk contributes to a smooth and velvety texture.

3) Flavor Profile

Frappe has a cold and refreshing profile with a blended texture. The flavor can vary based on the type of coffee used, sweeteners, and additional ingredients.

Lattes offer a more balanced and nuanced coffee flavor, with the sweetness and creaminess of the milk complementing the richness of the espresso.

4) Temperature of serivng

Frappe is served cold, often over ice, making it a popular choice for warm weather.

A latte is served hot, although iced variations are also common. It also provides flexibility for different preferences and seasons.

5) Difference in Cultural Significance

The term “Frappuccino” is closely associated with Starbucks, which popularized this drink. On the other hand, latte has a strong connection to traditional Italian coffee culture..

6) Customization

Where frappe is highly customizable, with various flavors, syrups, and toppings available, latte can be customized with different milk options and flavor additions.

However, it generally maintains a more standard composition.

7) Caffeine Content

Contrary to popular belief, Frappuccinos do not necessarily lose caffeine in the blending process.

The caffeine content can vary based on factors such as the type and strength of coffee, the amount used, and additional ingredients like syrups.

Lattes have a shot or two of espresso which provides a bolder coffee flavor. The caffeine content is generally higher compared to Frappuccinos.

8) Espresso Content

Frappe does not contain espresso. It is made with brewed coffee or instant coffee. On the other hand, latte contains a shot or two of espresso, contributing to a richer and more intense coffee taste.

9) Milk Content and Texture

Frappe contains blended ice and milk which results in a thick and slushy texture.
Whereas latte includes steamed milk and foam that provides a smooth and creamy texture.

10) Sweetness

Frappes are often sweeter, as they may contain syrups, flavorings, and whipped cream.
On the contrary, lattes are less sweet, with sweetness coming from a small amount of simple syrup or sugar.

11) Texture

Frappe is thick and slushy due to the blended ice. Whereas the latte is smooth and creamy as it gets enhanced by steamed milk and foam.

12) Popularity in Different Seasons

Frappes are particularly popular in hot weather for its cold and refreshing qualities. So they are often considered a go-to beverage for warm summer days.

On the other hand, lattes are for both hot and cold consumption which makes favorite for all the year. Iced lattes are popular in warmer seasons, while hot lattes are enjoyed in colder weather.

Frappe or latte: Which one is suitable for you?

Choosing between a Frappe and a Latte comes down to personal taste preferences and the type of coffee experience you seek.

If you crave a cold and refreshing option, especially during warmer weather, the Frappe might be your ideal choice. It delivers a cool and icy sensation that makes it a popular pick for those who enjoy chilled beverages.

With a milder coffee flavor and the addition of sweeteners, syrups, and potential indulgences like ice cream, the Frappe is suitable for individuals with a sweet tooth.

On the other hand, if you lean towards warm and comforting drinks or desire a more robust coffee flavor, the Latte is the go-to option.

Summing it Up

Here, I have got you covered with the differences between frappuccino and latte.

Where latte is an espresso-based drink, frappe is not. Along with this, you can read lots of other differences in this article.

I hope this article helps you know how lattes and frappes differ from each other.


1) Is it ok to pronounce frappe a frap?

Yes, it’s common for people to pronounce “frappe” as “frap.” The pronunciation can vary based on regional accents and personal preferences. Both are widely accepted in casual conversations, and baristas at coffee shops are used to different pronunciations. Whether you say “frappe” or “frap,” you’re likely to be understood when ordering this blended coffee delight.

2) Is a Latte stronger than a frappe?

As far as the caffeine content is concerned, a latte is generally stronger than a frappe. The latte is made with espresso shots, which provide a concentrated source of caffeine. On the other hand, frappes often use pre-made coffee, which may have a lower caffeine content.

Andrew Stevenson

Andrew Stevenson

A seasoned barista and espresso aficionado