
Gran Lungo vs Double Espresso (13+ Main Differences)

Andrew StevensonByAndrew Stevenson

| October 20, 2023

The pair of Gran Lungo and Double Espresso confused me a lot in my initial days of barista training.

I also have seen lots of people asking waiters about the differences between Gran Lungo and Double Espresso before they place any order.

If you are one of those persons then you are at the right place. In this article, I will compare both Gran Lungo and Double Espresso with each other.

Let’s start.

Overview of Gran Lungo

What is a Gran Lungo?

A “Gran Lungo” is a coffee beverage that falls within the Nespresso coffee system, which uses a proprietary brewing method and capsule system. It’s known for being a longer and more robust coffee than an espresso, yet not as diluted as a standard Americano.

Three small glasses filled with Gran Lungo coffee in different quantities
(Three small glasses filled with Gran Lungo coffee in different quantities)


More information about Gran Lungo

1) The term “Gran Lungo” translates to “long coffee” in Italian. It’s essentially an espresso-based coffee that’s brewed with more water than a traditional espresso but less water than a typical coffee.

2) It generally has a coffee-to-water ratio that falls between that of an espresso and a regular coffee. It’s stronger and more concentrated than drip coffee but not as intense as an espresso.

3) The brewing process for Gran Lungo involves a longer extraction time compared to espresso but shorter than a regular drip coffee. The extended extraction allows for a fuller flavor profile to develop.

4) It often has a rich and complex flavor profile. It can have a balanced taste with a bit of crema (the golden foam on top of an espresso) and may feature a range of flavor notes, depending on the coffee capsule used.

5) A typical serving size for a Gran Lungo is around 150 to 180 ml (5-6 ounces), which is larger than an espresso but smaller than a standard coffee.

6) This espresso beverage is prepared using a Nespresso machine, which is designed to brew this type of coffee using specifically designed capsules.

7) It is often associated with European coffee culture and is enjoyed by those who prefer a stronger and more intense coffee experience compared to regular coffee.

Overview of Double Espresso

What is a double espresso?

A double Espresso is also known as a “Doppio” in Italian. It is a coffee beverage made by extracting twice the amount of espresso from a coffee machine. It’s known for its strong and intense flavor.

Cup filled with Double Espresso Coffee
(Cup filled with Double Espresso Coffee)


More information about double espresso

1) The term “Double Espresso” or “Doppio” simply means “double” in Italian, referring to the doubled amount of espresso in the cup.

2) It is made by using twice the amount of coffee grounds that are typically used for a single shot of espresso. This results in a higher coffee-to-water ratio, making it more concentrated and intense.

3) The extraction time for a Double Espresso is generally the same as that for a single espresso shot, typically around 25-30 seconds. The extended extraction doesn’t necessarily mean longer brew time, as the amount of water used is doubled.

4) This espresso drink is renowned for its robust and intense flavor. It has a concentrated coffee taste, often with a layer of crema on top. The flavor notes can vary depending on the type of coffee beans used but usually have a bold and rich character.

5) It generally yields a small serving size, usually around 60-70 ml (2-2.5 ounces), which is double the size of a single espresso shot but smaller than other coffee types.

6) It is prepared using an espresso machine or a dedicated espresso maker. It requires a portafilter, finely ground coffee beans, and high pressure to extract the concentrated coffee.

7) This drink is an integral part of Italian coffee culture. It’s often enjoyed as a quick, intense pick-me-up, and it’s the basis for various espresso-based drinks, like cappuccinos and lattes.

8) In some coffee cultures, a Double Espresso may be known by different names, such as “Doppio” in Italy or “Café Americano” in some regions when diluted with additional hot water.

Gran Lungo vs Double Espresso: Quick Comparison

1) Serving Size

A Gran Lungo is generally served in a larger cup or glass and has a serving size of around 150-180 ml (5-6 ounces). It’s larger than a standard espresso. On the other hand, a Double Espresso is a smaller and more concentrated coffee. It has a serving size of about 60-70 ml (2-2.5 ounces), which is double the amount of a single espresso shot but still smaller than a Gran Lungo.

2) Coffee-to-Water Ratio

Gran Lungo has a coffee-to-water ratio that falls between that of an espresso and a regular coffee. It’s less concentrated than a Double Espresso. Double Espresso is made by using twice the amount of coffee grounds used for a single espresso shot, resulting in a higher coffee-to-water ratio. It is very concentrated and intense in flavor.

3) Flavor Profile

It offers a rich and complex flavor profile, with a balanced taste and a bit of crema. It may have a range of flavor notes depending on the coffee capsule used. Whereas Double Espresso is known for its bold and intense flavor. It has a concentrated coffee taste, often with a layer of crema on top. The flavor is rich and robust.

4) Equipment

To prepare a Gran Lungo, you need to use a Nespresso machine and specific coffee capsules designed for this type of coffee. A Double Espresso is prepared using an espresso machine, a portafilter, finely ground coffee beans, and high pressure.

5) Cultural Significance

Gran Lungo is associated with European coffee culture and is enjoyed by those who prefer a stronger coffee experience compared to regular coffee but not as intense as an espresso. Whereas Double Espresso is a fundamental part of Italian coffee culture and is often enjoyed as a quick, strong coffee shot.

6) Extraction Time

The extraction time for a Gran Lungo is generally longer compared to a Double Espresso. This extended extraction allows for a fuller flavor profile to develop. On the other hand, the extraction time for a Double Espresso is relatively short, usually around 25-30 seconds. It is quick and intense.

7) Required Coffee

The choice of coffee capsules for Gran Lungo varies, with different flavor profiles depending on the capsule. You have the flexibility to explore different bean origins and blends. Conversely, Double Espresso is traditionally made with finely ground espresso beans. The roast level and coffee choice may be more standardized in traditional espresso preparation.

8) Serving Vessel

Gran Lungo is often served in larger cups or glasses, similar to those used for regular coffee. This presentation is well-suited to those who prefer a more extended coffee experience. Whereas a Double Espresso is generally served in a smaller, espresso-sized cup. The smaller vessel enhances the concentration of the coffee.

9) Popularity and Availability

Gran Lungo is primarily associated with the Nespresso coffee system and may not be as widely available in all coffee shops or regions. Its availability depends on the distribution of Nespresso products. On the other hand, the Double Espresso is widely recognized and available in most coffee shops and cafes that serve espresso-based beverages. It’s a standard offering in espresso culture.

10) Price

The cost of making a Gran Lungo typically depends on the price of Nespresso capsules, which can vary depending on the brand and blend. It can be cost-effective for home use. The cost of a Double Espresso may vary based on the quality of the coffee beans used, the coffee shop’s pricing, and the region. It can be more expensive in cafes.

11) Serving Size and Caffeine Content

A Gran Lungo has a serving size of 150 ml and a caffeine level of 120 to 200 mg. It’s larger in volume and has more caffeine compared to a Double Espresso. On the other hand, Double Espresso is smaller with a 60 ml serving size, and tends to have between 60 to 100 mg of caffeine. It’s more concentrated.

12) Flavor and Crema

Due to the extended extraction time, Gran Lungo has a strong but less bitter flavor and a thinner layer of crema compared to espresso. Double Espresso has a bold, rich, and less acidic taste, with a strong flavor and more pronounced crema.

13) Point of Each Coffee Type

The primary advantage of Gran Lungo is that it allows for a longer coffee-drinking experience due to its larger serving size compared to a regular Lungo. On the other hand, Double Espresso is a concentrated and quick source of caffeine, perfect for a quick energy boost.

14) Strength

Despite its larger size, the Gran Lungo is stronger than a regular cup of coffee, with higher caffeine levels per capsule and a smaller serving size. Double Espresso is even more concentrated and, while smaller in volume, also packs a substantial amount of caffeine, making it stronger than both Gran Lungo and regular coffee.

Double Espresso or Gran Lungo: Which should you choose?

Choosing which coffee to drink depends on your personal choices. However, I will tell you a few points that will help you choose a suitable one.

Choose Gran Lungo if:

You prefer a milder, less intense flavor compared to espresso.
You savor your coffee slowly or enjoy a longer coffee-drinking experience.
You need a robust caffeine boost but don’t want the extreme intensity of espresso.

Choose Double Espresso if:

You need a quick and powerful jolt of caffeine.
You’re a fan of the strong and robust flavor of espresso.
If you don’t prefer water in your coffee.
You want to have a standardized espresso experience

Wrapping up

Here, I have got you covered with the differences between Gran Lungo and Double Espresso. I hope after reading this comparison article, you have a clear idea about these two espresso-based drinks.

So now whenever you will visit any coffee shop and refer to its menu, you will never be confused between Double Espresso and Gran Lungo.


1) Why is Gran Lungo served in small quantities?

The reason for its smaller size is due to the extended extraction time. A Gran Lungo shot is pulled for 35 to 40 seconds which allows more water to pass through the coffee grounds, resulting in a more diluted but longer coffee shot. While it’s physically larger than an espresso shot, it’s still considered small in terms of volume because it’s less concentrated, preserving a milder flavor.

2) Is Gran Lungo the same as the Americano?

No, Gran Lungo and Americano are not the same. While both are longer coffee drinks compared to espresso, they differ in their preparation and flavor. Gran Lungo is a coffee variation within the Nespresso system, with a serving size of about 150 ml. It’s made by brewing coffee with a longer extraction process and is known for its robust but less bitter flavor. On the other hand, an Americano is made by diluting a shot of espresso with hot water, resulting in a coffee that has a similar strength to a Gran Lungo but may have different flavor characteristics due to the espresso base.

3) Should you add milk to Gran Lungo coffee?

Gran Lungo is traditionally served black, but you can certainly add milk if you enjoy a creamy coffee. The addition of milk can mellow the intensity of the coffee which makes it smoother and adds a touch of sweetness. Many people enjoy Lungo coffee with a splash of milk, and it’s a common way to tailor your coffee to your liking. Ultimately, the choice to add milk or not is entirely up to you and your taste preferences.

Andrew Stevenson

Andrew Stevenson

A seasoned barista and espresso aficionado