
What is an Upside Down Espresso At Starbucks?

Andrew StevensonByAndrew Stevenson

| October 26, 2023

Well, I got the idea to write on an upside-down espresso from one of my friends.

She visited Starbucks for a few days. There, she saw some people asking about inverted espresso shots. She got confused as there were no such drinks on their menu.

In order to know about this in more detail, she approached me and told me what happened. As a frequent Starbucks visitor and die-hard espresso lover, I understood her query and answered her.

At that time, an idea to aware all of you about such upside-down drinks appeared in my mind. In this article, I will tell you what upside-down espresso shots are. We will also discuss how you can prepare them on your own.

Let’s start.

What is an upside-down espresso shot at Starbucks?

An “Upside Down Espresso” at Starbucks is a customized way of preparing an espresso shot, which essentially reverses the standard espresso shot-making process.

In a traditional espresso shot, the process involves brewing a shot of espresso by pushing hot water through finely-ground coffee beans at high pressure.

The resulting shot consists of three parts: the heart, the body, and the crema, with the crema being the top layer, which is a frothy mixture of coffee oils and water. The traditional order of these layers is heart, body, and crema from the bottom up.

At Starbucks, it is made by adding any syrups or flavorings you request at the bottom of the cup.

Then the espresso shots are pulled directly into the cup with the syrups at the bottom. This is the reverse of the typical espresso-making process.

The result is that the layers in the cup are inverted. The crema, which is the frothy top layer, now sits beneath the espresso shot. The order from bottom to top is crema, body, and heart.

This customization can affect the taste and texture of the espresso, as the crema, which is rich and creamy, will hit your palate first, followed by the espresso body and the heart. Some people prefer this method because they enjoy the crema’s flavor and aroma upfront.

However, it’s important to note that the term “Upside Down Espresso” is not a standard menu item at Starbucks but rather a customization that some customers have requested.

Starbucks baristas are normally accustomed to handling such requests, and you can simply ask for an Upside Down Espresso when placing your order if you prefer your espresso prepared this way.

How is an upside-down espresso different from a regular espresso?

This drink is different from a regular espresso in terms of the layering and the order in which the coffee components are presented in the cup. Let’s understand in detail.

1) Layering and Flavor Profile

Regular Espresso

In a regular espresso shot, the layers are traditionally organized with the heart (the thickest and strongest part of the shot) at the bottom, followed by the body, and finally, the crema on top. The crema is a frothy layer, which consists of coffee oils and water, and it has a slightly different flavor and texture from the underlying espresso.

Upside Down Espresso

With an Upside Down Espresso, the layering is inverted. The crema, which is the frothy and aromatic top layer, is positioned at the bottom, followed by the body and the heart on top. As a result, you taste the crema first, which can impact the initial flavor experience of the espresso.

2) Flavor and Texture Experience:

Regular One

In a traditional espresso, you will first experience the strong and intense flavors of the espresso heart, followed by the smoother body. The crema provides a contrasting texture and flavor as you sip further into the shot.

Upside Down One

With the upside-down espresso, the crema’s flavors and aromas are more prominent at the beginning of the sip. It can create a different flavor balance, and some people enjoy the creamy and aromatic qualities of the crema upfront.

3) Customization

The Upside Down Espresso is a customized way of preparing an espresso shot. It’s not a standard menu item, but rather a specific request you make to the barista at Starbucks. Regular espresso is served following the traditional layering method unless otherwise requested.

Why do people order upside-down drinks at Starbucks?

1) Enhanced Flavor and Aroma

Some customers prefer the espresso in upside upside-down format because it allows them to experience the crema’s rich flavor and aromatic qualities right from the start. The crema is known for its unique taste and aroma, and having it on top can provide a more pronounced and immediate flavor experience.

2) Customization

Starbucks is known for accommodating various customization requests, and ordering an Upside Down Espresso is one way to personalize your coffee. Customers appreciate the flexibility to tailor their drinks to their liking.

3) Preference for Creaminess

The crema in an espresso shot contributes to its creamy texture. For those who enjoy a smoother, creamier espresso, the Upside Down method can be appealing.

4) Aesthetic Appeal

Some customers may find the visual aspect of an Upside Down Espresso more appealing. The crema at the bottom can create an interesting visual effect, and the presentation can be a part of the coffee-drinking experience.

5) To Try a Variety

Starbucks offers a wide range of beverages, and customers often enjoy experimenting with different preparation methods to discover new flavor profiles. The Upside Down Espresso provides a unique variation of the traditional espresso.

6) Word of Mouth Popularity

Some customers may have learned about the Upside espresso through recommendations from friends, family, or online coffee communities. Word of mouth can play a significant role in its popularity.

How to order this espresso at Starbucks?

Though ordering an inverted espresso at Starbucks is a simple process. Here are the steps to order.

Step 1: Approach the Barista

Go to the counter or drive-thru at your local Starbucks and approach the barista.

Step 2: Specify Your Size

Begin by specifying the size of the espresso shot you want. You can choose from options like “Tall,” “Grande,” or “Venti.” For example, you can say, “I’d like a Tall Upside Down Espresso.”

Step 3: Request Syrups or Flavorings (Optional)

If you want to add any syrups or flavorings to your espresso, be sure to mention them at this stage. For instance, “I’d like a Tall Upside Down Caramel Espresso.”

Step 4: Order It “Upside Down”

The key step is to request the espresso to be prepared “Upside Down.” You can say something like, “Can I get that shot Upside Down, please?” or “I’d like an Upside Down or Inverted Espresso.”

Step 5: Confirmation

The barista may repeat your order to confirm. Make sure they acknowledge that it’s an Upside Down Espresso, just to ensure there is no confusion.

How to make an up-down espresso at your home?

Here is the step-by-step process.

Step 1: Prepare Your Espresso Machine

Begin by ensuring that your espresso machine is clean and properly maintained. This includes cleaning the group head, portafilter, and steam wand if applicable. Make sure to fill the machine’s water reservoir with fresh, cold water. Proper maintenance and water quality are crucial for a good espresso.

Step 2: Grind Your Coffee

Use freshly roasted coffee beans, preferably an espresso roast, and grind them to the appropriate consistency for espresso. Espresso grind is fine and powdery, similar to table salt. If your espresso machine doesn’t have a built-in grinder, use a high-quality burr grinder to achieve the right consistency.

Step 3: Preheat the Machine

Turn on your espresso machine and allow it to preheat. It’s essential for the machine to reach the appropriate brewing temperature before you start pulling your shot. This preheating process ensures that your espresso will be extracted correctly.

Step 4: Prepare Your Espresso Cup

If you wish to add any syrups or flavorings to your Upside Espresso, add them to the bottom of your espresso cup. This is the first layer you’ll experience when you enjoy your espresso.

Step 5: Tamp the Coffee

Portion the ground coffee into your portafilter basket. A general recommendation is to use around 18-20 grams of coffee for a double shot of espresso. After distributing the coffee evenly, use a tamper to compress the grounds firmly and create a level surface.

Step 6: Brew the Espresso invertedly

Place your prepared espresso cup under the espresso machine’s portafilter, making sure it’s positioned correctly. Now, you’ll brew your espresso shot directly into the cup with the syrups or flavorings at the bottom. As you start the extraction, hot water will be forced through the tamped coffee grounds, and the shot will flow into the cup with the syrups first, followed by the coffee.

Step 7: Observe the Layers

Once the extraction is complete, observe the layers in your Upside Down Espresso. The crema will be at the bottom, followed by the body and the heart on top. This inverted layering is what distinguishes the inverted espresso from the traditional version.

Step 8: Serve It and Enjoy

Your Upside Down Espresso is now ready to be served and enjoyed. Serve it immediately while it’s at its freshest to savor the unique flavor and texture profile with the crema at the forefront. Feel free to experiment with different syrups, flavorings, and coffee beans to suit your taste preferences and create the perfect home-brewed inverted espresso coffee.

List of upside-down drinks to order at Starbucks

This is the list of drinks that you can get in upside-down format at Starbucks:

  • Espresso
  • Cappuccino
  • Latte
  • Mocha
  • Macchiato
  • Americano
  • Caramel Macchiato
  • Mocha Frappuccino
  • Iced Coffee
  • Caramel Apple Spice
  • Mocha Java Chip Frappuccino

Wrapping up

Here, I have got you covered with what is an upside-down espresso sold at Starbucks.

It is a unique and customizable coffee preparation method that has found its niche among Starbucks customers.

This customization involves reversing the traditional layering of an espresso shot, with the crema, which is the frothy and aromatic top layer, positioned at the bottom, followed by the body and the heart on top.

While it’s not a standard menu item at Starbucks, the term “Upside Down” is well-understood by the baristas, allowing customers to easily order their espresso shots in this distinct manner.

The appeal of this espresso drink lies in the enhanced flavor and aroma of the crema that’s experienced from the very first sip. It provides a different coffee-drinking experience, as the creamy and aromatic qualities of the crema take center stage.

This customization shows Starbucks’ commitment to accommodating various customer preferences, offering a personalized coffee experience.

If you want to explore different espresso drinks, this one is worth trying.

Andrew Stevenson

Andrew Stevenson

A seasoned barista and espresso aficionado