
Espresso Glossary (A to Z Espresso Terminologies – Explained)

Andrew StevensonByAndrew Stevenson

| September 9, 2023

This is the comprehensive dictionary of espresso related terms.

What is an espresso glossary?

An espresso glossary is a comprehensive collection of terms, phrases, and terminology related to espresso, coffee, and coffee preparation.

It serves as a reference guide for individuals who are passionate about coffee and espresso, as well as those involved in the coffee industry, such as baristas, coffee roasters, and coffee enthusiasts.

How can an espresso glossary benefit a beginner?

An espresso glossary can provide several benefits to beginners in the world of espresso.

1) Understanding Terminology

It helps beginners grasp the terminology used in the coffee and espresso industry, which can be complex and intimidating for newcomers.

2) Enhanced Learning

It facilitates the learning process by offering clear and concise explanations of key concepts, brewing methods, and equipment.

3) Improved Brewing

Beginners can use the glossary to better understand the nuances of espresso preparation, helping them brew better coffee from the start.

4) Confidence Building

Having access to a glossary can boost a beginner’s confidence when discussing coffee with baristas or other enthusiasts, as they’ll be familiar with the terms.

5) Exploration

It encourages exploration by introducing beginners to different coffee varieties, processing methods, and roast levels, allowing them to discover their preferences.

6) Problem Solving

When faced with issues during coffee preparation, beginners can refer to the glossary for troubleshooting tips and solutions.

7) Resource for Questions

Beginners can use the glossary as a quick reference when they have questions about specific coffee-related terms or concepts.

8) Increased Appreciation

Understanding the terminology and processes involved in espresso preparation can enhance beginners’ appreciation for the craft of coffee making.

9) Building Knowledge

Over time, beginners can build a solid foundation of coffee knowledge by regularly referring to the glossary and expanding their understanding of coffee-related topics.

Espresso Glossary

Here the espresso terminologies are sorted by alphabetical order of A to Z.



One of the two main species of coffee beans (the other being Robusta). Arabica beans are known for their mild flavor and aromatic qualities and are often used in high-quality espresso blends.


A coffee drink made by diluting espresso with hot water. It has a flavor profile closer to regular brewed coffee but with the strength of espresso.


Affogato is an Italian dessert that consists of a scoop of vanilla ice cream or gelato “drowned” in a shot of hot espresso. It creates a delightful contrast of hot and cold, bitter and sweet flavors.


Aroma refers to the fragrant and aromatic qualities of freshly ground and brewed coffee or espresso. It plays a crucial role in the overall sensory experience of coffee.


Acidity is a desirable characteristic in coffee and espresso. It refers to the bright, tangy, and sometimes fruity flavors that add complexity to the coffee’s taste profile.


Acaia is a well-known brand of coffee scale used by baristas and coffee enthusiasts to precisely measure coffee grounds and water, ensuring accurate and consistent brewing.


Artisanal describes the craftsmanship and attention to detail in the roasting, grinding, and preparation of coffee, including espresso. It emphasizes quality and unique flavors.


Auto-Tamp is an automatic tamping device used by some baristas to achieve consistent and level tamping of coffee grounds in the portafilter. It helps ensure uniform extraction.


Aftertaste refers to the lingering flavors and sensations that remain in your mouth after drinking espresso. It provides additional insight into the coffee’s overall taste experience.


Altitude refers to the elevation at which coffee is grown. It significantly impacts the flavor profile of coffee, with higher altitudes often producing more complex and desirable flavors.


Adulteration is the unethical practice of adding impurities or lower-quality substances to coffee to increase volume or weight, compromising its quality and flavor.


Arabesque is a decorative design sometimes used in espresso art. Baristas create intricate patterns on the surface of espresso-based drinks using steamed milk.


Agtron is a color measurement system used to assess the roast level of coffee beans, including those used for espresso. It helps coffee professionals achieve consistent roasting profiles.



A barista is a skilled coffee professional who specializes in preparing and serving espresso-based beverages. They are responsible for creating the perfect cup of coffee and often master the art of espresso extraction.


Blending is the process of combining different coffee beans, often of varying origins and roast levels, to create a unique flavor profile for espresso blends. This allows roasters to balance flavors and achieve consistency.

Brew Ratio

Brew ratio refers to the ratio of coffee grounds to water used in the espresso-making process. It is typically expressed as grams of coffee to milliliters of water and affects the strength and taste of the final espresso.

Brew Time

Brew time is the amount of time it takes for hot water to pass through the coffee grounds during espresso extraction. Proper brew time is crucial for achieving balanced and flavorful shots.


The basket is the part of the portafilter that holds the coffee grounds during espresso brewing. Different basket sizes and designs can affect the flow rate and extraction of espresso.


Bean-to-cup espresso machines are fully automated devices that grind coffee beans, brew espresso, and froth milk, all in one machine. They offer convenience for home users and consistency in commercial settings.


Backflushing is a cleaning process for espresso machines. It involves running water through the group head and portafilter to remove coffee residues and oils that can build up over time.


In the context of espresso, a bar is a unit of pressure measurement. Espresso is typically brewed at around 9 bars of pressure, which is equivalent to 130.5 pounds per square inch (psi).

Batch Roasting

Batch roasting is a coffee roasting method where a specific quantity of coffee beans is roasted together in a single batch. This method allows for consistent roasting profiles.


Body refers to the tactile sensation of a coffee’s weight and texture in the mouth. Espresso can have a light, medium, or full body, which contributes to its overall mouthfeel.

Burr Grinder

A burr grinder is a type of coffee grinder that uses two rotating burrs to crush and grind coffee beans to a consistent size. It is preferred for espresso because of its precision.

Bleeding Espresso

“Bleeding Espresso” is a term used colloquially to describe the process of slow-dripping espresso from the portafilter. It may indicate an issue with grind size or tamping.

Bottomless Portafilter

A bottomless portafilter, also known as a naked portafilter, lacks the bottom spouts. It is often used by baristas for training and diagnostics to observe espresso extraction quality.


Brightness is a tasting term used to describe the pleasant acidity or lively and tangy flavors in coffee or espresso. It contributes to the complexity of the taste.


The bloom is the initial release of carbon dioxide gas from freshly ground coffee when hot water is poured over it. It’s an essential part of the brewing process and ensures even extraction.



Crema is the creamy, tan-colored layer that forms on top of a well-brewed espresso shot. It consists of oils and gases and is a key indicator of espresso quality.

Café au Lait

Café au Lait is a coffee beverage that combines equal parts brewed coffee and steamed milk. It’s similar to a latte but made with regular brewed coffee instead of espresso.


Cappuccino is a popular espresso-based drink made with equal parts of espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. It’s known for its balanced combination of espresso and creamy milk.


Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in coffee beans. It’s responsible for the energizing effects of coffee and espresso and varies in concentration depending on the bean and brewing method.


Cupping is a method used by coffee professionals to evaluate and score coffee beans. It involves tasting and evaluating the aroma, flavor, acidity, and other characteristics of coffee.


Cascara is the dried skin or husk of coffee cherries. It is sometimes used to make a tea-like beverage with a fruity, slightly sweet flavor.

Coffee Cherry

The coffee cherry is the fruit of the coffee plant, containing the coffee bean or seed inside. The flesh of the cherry is typically discarded during coffee processing.


Cremina is a manual lever espresso machine known for its simplicity and craftsmanship. It’s favored by enthusiasts for its ability to produce precise and controlled shots.


A cortado is a coffee drink that consists of equal parts espresso and steamed milk. It’s smaller and stronger than a latte and is known for its balanced flavor.

Counter Culture

Counter Culture is a coffee roasting company known for its commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing. They offer a range of specialty coffee beans for espresso and other brewing methods.

Crema Layer

Crema layer refers to the creamy, golden-brown foam that forms on top of a well-pulled espresso shot. It contains aromatic compounds and is a sign of a properly extracted shot.

Cuban Espresso

Cuban espresso is a sweet and potent coffee drink made by adding sugar to the espresso grounds before brewing. It’s often served in small, strong shots known as “cafecitos.”



Doppio is an Italian term that means “double.” In espresso, it refers to a double shot, which is twice the amount of a regular espresso shot, typically served in a smaller cup.


Demitasse is a small, narrow coffee cup, often used for serving espresso. It typically holds 2-3 ounces of liquid.

Decaffeinated (Decaf)

Decaffeinated coffee or espresso has had most of its caffeine content removed, usually through a chemical-free process or with the use of solvents.


Distribution in espresso preparation refers to the even and uniform distribution of coffee grounds in the portafilter before tamping. Proper distribution ensures consistent extraction.


Dosing is the process of measuring and adding a specific amount of coffee grounds to the portafilter basket before tamping. It plays a crucial role in controlling the brew ratio.


A doser is a device on some espresso grinders that dispenses a pre-measured amount of ground coffee into a portafilter with each pull of a lever. It’s often used in commercial settings.

Dose Control Grinder

A dose control grinder is an espresso grinder that allows precise control over the amount of coffee grounds dispensed. It’s favored for its accuracy in dosing.

Direct Trade

Direct trade is a coffee sourcing model where roasters establish direct relationships with coffee growers and producers, bypassing traditional importers. It often leads to fairer prices for growers.

Dry Cappuccino

A dry cappuccino is a cappuccino made with a higher ratio of milk foam to steamed milk and espresso. It results in a drier, foamier texture.

Drip Tray

The drip tray is a removable tray located under the group head of an espresso machine. It collects any excess water or coffee that may spill during the brewing process.


Dialing in refers to the process of adjusting various parameters, such as grind size, brew time, and dosage, to achieve the desired flavor and extraction from espresso.

Dirty Portafilter

A dirty portafilter refers to a portafilter that has not been properly cleaned after previous use. It can affect the flavor and quality of the espresso shot.

Doserless Grinder

A doserless grinder is an espresso grinder that does not have a doser mechanism. Coffee grounds are dispensed directly into the portafilter basket, offering more control over dosing.

Dose Creep

Dose creep occurs when the grinder dispenses a slightly larger amount of coffee grounds over time, resulting in a gradual increase in espresso dose. It requires regular adjustment to maintain consistency.

Dial Gauge

A dial gauge is a feature found on some espresso machines and grinders, providing precise measurements for grind size, pressure, or other parameters. It aids in fine-tuning the espresso-making process.



Espresso is a concentrated coffee beverage brewed by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee beans. It’s known for its rich flavor and strong, aromatic qualities.


Extraction in espresso refers to the process of dissolving and extracting flavor compounds from coffee grounds using hot water. Proper extraction is essential for a balanced and flavorful shot.

Espresso Machine

An espresso machine is a specialized appliance designed to brew espresso. It uses pressure to force hot water through the coffee grounds and includes various components like a group head, boiler, and portafilter.

Espresso Shot

An espresso shot is a single serving of espresso, typically containing 1 ounce (30 milliliters) of liquid. It forms the base for various espresso-based drinks.

Espresso Crema

Espresso crema is the creamy, tan-colored foam that forms on top of a well-brewed espresso shot. It’s a sign of freshness and proper extraction.

Espresso Grind

Espresso grind refers to the specific coarseness of coffee grounds used for espresso brewing. It is finer than drip coffee grind and is critical for proper extraction.

Espresso Lungo

Espresso Lungo is a longer espresso shot where more water is allowed to pass through the coffee grounds, resulting in a milder and larger serving.

Espresso Macchiato

Espresso Macchiato is an espresso “stained” or “marked” with a small amount of frothy milk or milk foam. It adds a touch of creaminess to the espresso.

Espresso Ristretto

Espresso Ristretto is a shorter and more concentrated espresso shot, made by using less water. It’s known for its intense flavor and reduced bitterness.

Espresso Tamper

An espresso tamper is a tool used to compress or “tamp” coffee grounds evenly in the portafilter. It ensures uniform extraction by creating a level coffee bed.

Espresso Spoon

An espresso spoon is a small spoon used to stir sugar or other additives into espresso. It’s typically included with espresso cup and saucer sets.

Espresso Martini

Espresso Martini is a cocktail made with vodka, coffee liqueur, freshly brewed espresso, and simple syrup. It combines the flavors of coffee and alcohol.

Ethiopian Coffee

Ethiopian coffee refers to coffee beans grown in Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee. Ethiopian coffees are known for their unique and diverse flavor profiles.

Extraction Time

Extraction time in espresso preparation refers to the duration it takes for hot water to pass through the coffee grounds in the portafilter. It’s a critical parameter for controlling the shot’s flavor.

Espresso Crema Preservation

Espresso crema preservation involves methods to maintain the crema’s stability and freshness, such as using freshly roasted beans, proper grind size, and correct tamping.


Filter Basket

The filter basket is the part of the portafilter that holds the coffee grounds during espresso brewing. Different baskets have various sizes and designs, influencing the extraction process.

Flat White

A flat white is a coffee beverage originating from Australia or New Zealand. It consists of espresso and steamed milk, typically with a microfoam texture. It’s known for its creamy and smooth taste.


Frothing is the process of creating frothy, microfoam milk for espresso-based drinks like cappuccinos and lattes. It adds creaminess and texture to the beverages.

Flavor Profile

The flavor profile describes the unique taste characteristics of a particular coffee or espresso, including notes of acidity, sweetness, bitterness, and various flavor nuances.


Fines are tiny coffee particles that are smaller than the desired grind size. They can affect the flow rate during espresso extraction and result in over-extraction.


Floral is a tasting term used to describe coffee or espresso with delicate, fragrant notes reminiscent of flowers, often found in some specialty coffee varieties.


Fermentation in coffee processing refers to the breakdown of sugars in the coffee cherries, which can influence the coffee’s flavor. It’s a crucial step in natural and honey-processed coffees.

Flavor Wheel

A flavor wheel is a tool used by coffee professionals to systematically describe and categorize the various flavors and aromas found in coffee and espresso.

Fair Trade

Fair Trade is a certification and movement aimed at ensuring fair wages and ethical practices for coffee farmers and workers, promoting sustainability in the coffee industry.


Freshness in espresso and coffee refers to the quality of the beans and how recently they were roasted. Freshly roasted beans produce better-tasting espresso.

Free Shot

A free shot refers to an extra shot of espresso that a barista may serve as a bonus to a customer, often as a gesture of appreciation or as part of a promotional offer.

Filter Coffee

Filter coffee is coffee brewed using a drip coffee maker or pour-over method, which results in a milder and less concentrated coffee compared to espresso.

French Roast

French roast is a dark roast level for coffee beans, characterized by a shiny, oily surface and bold, smoky flavors. It’s less common in espresso but used in some blends.


Fruit-forward is a tasting term used to describe coffee or espresso with prominent fruit flavors, such as citrus, berry, or tropical fruit notes.


Grind Size

Grind size refers to the coarseness or fineness of coffee grounds. It is a critical parameter in espresso preparation, affecting extraction time and flavor.

Green Coffee

Green coffee refers to unroasted coffee beans. They are green in color and must be roasted before they can be brewed into coffee or espresso.

Group Head

The group head is a component of an espresso machine where water is forced through the coffee grounds in the portafilter. It plays a crucial role in espresso extraction.


Gaggia is a renowned Italian espresso machine manufacturer, known for producing high-quality machines for both home and commercial use.

Golden Shot

The golden shot is a term used to describe the ideal espresso shot with a well-balanced flavor, rich crema, and proper extraction time.

Grinding Burrs

Grinder burrs are the two rotating discs in a burr grinder that crush coffee beans to a consistent size. Burr grinders are preferred for espresso due to their precision.

Granita di Caffè

Granita di Caffè is an Italian frozen dessert made from sweetened, slushy espresso. It’s a refreshing treat, especially during hot weather.

Guatemala Antigua

Guatemala Antigua is a renowned coffee-growing region in Guatemala known for producing high-quality beans with a balanced flavor profile, often used in espresso blends.

Grind Retention

Grind retention refers to the coffee grounds that can get stuck inside an espresso grinder between uses. It can affect grind consistency and freshness.

Green Coffee Extract

Green coffee extract is a dietary supplement made from unroasted coffee beans. It’s promoted for its potential health benefits, including weight management.


A gicleur is a small, precision-engineered orifice found in espresso machines, regulating the flow rate of water during espresso extraction.

Glass Carafe

A glass carafe is a container often used to serve brewed coffee or espresso. It’s commonly found in drip coffee makers and pour-over brewing methods.

Gustatory Perception

Gustatory perception refers to the sensory evaluation of taste and flavor in coffee or espresso, including sweetness, bitterness, acidity, and more.


A gasket is a rubber or silicone seal used in espresso machines to prevent leaks and maintain pressure in various components, such as the portafilter.

Gold Cup Standard

The Gold Cup Standard is a brewing guideline for achieving optimal coffee extraction. It aims to produce coffee or espresso that meets specific taste and strength criteria.



A hopper is a container on a coffee grinder that holds coffee beans before they are ground. It allows for easy access and storage of beans.

Honey Process

Honey process is a coffee processing method where some or all of the coffee fruit’s mucilage is left on the beans during drying. It can result in unique flavors in the espresso.

Heat Exchanger

A heat exchanger is a component in some espresso machines that allows for simultaneous steaming of milk and brewing of espresso by using heated water from a boiler.

Hopper Lock

Hopper lock is a feature on some espresso grinders that secures the hopper in place to prevent beans from falling out during operation.

Heat-resistant Glass

Heat-resistant glass is often used in espresso and coffee equipment, such as carafes and drippers, to withstand high temperatures without shattering.

Home Espresso Machine

A home espresso machine is a compact espresso maker designed for personal use at home. It allows coffee enthusiasts to brew espresso without visiting a café.

Hot Water Spout

Many espresso machines have a hot water spout or wand that dispenses hot water for Americanos, tea, or other purposes.

Hydraulic Press

Hydraulic press is a component in espresso machines responsible for generating the pressure needed to extract espresso. It compresses water and forces it through the coffee grounds.

Hard Water

Hard water is water that contains high levels of minerals, particularly calcium and magnesium. It can affect the flavor of espresso and cause scale buildup in espresso machines.

Hario Buono Kettle

The Hario Buono kettle is a popular pour-over kettle with a narrow spout, designed for precise pouring of hot water when brewing coffee or espresso.

Hollow Espresso

A hollow espresso shot is one that has been over-extracted, resulting in a shot with a weak flavor and a lack of body. It is often caused by incorrect grind size or tamping.

Home Roasting

Home roasting is the process of roasting coffee beans at home using dedicated coffee roasting equipment. It allows enthusiasts to experiment with different roast profiles.

Hopper Capacity

Hopper capacity refers to the volume of coffee beans that a grinder’s hopper can hold. It varies between different grinder models.

Honduras Coffee

Honduras is a coffee-producing country known for its diverse coffee profiles. Honduran coffee beans are often used in espresso blends.



Infusion is the process of extracting flavor from coffee grounds by steeping them in hot water. While often associated with methods like French press, it’s also a part of espresso extraction.

Immersion Method

An immersion method is a coffee brewing technique in which coffee grounds are fully submerged in hot water for an extended period, as seen in methods like the AeroPress.

Iced Coffee

Iced coffee is coffee that has been brewed and then chilled, typically served over ice. It’s a popular cold coffee beverage and can also be used as a base for iced espresso drinks.

Iced Espresso

Iced espresso is a coffee beverage made by brewing a shot of espresso and then serving it over ice. It’s a refreshing way to enjoy the concentrated flavors of espresso in a cold form.

Indonesia Coffee

Indonesia is a major coffee-producing country known for its unique processing methods, including wet-hulling. Indonesian coffees often have earthy and spicy flavors.

Italian Roast

Italian roast is a dark roast level for coffee beans, characterized by a shiny, oily surface and bold, smoky flavors. It’s often used in espresso blends.

In-Cup Quality

In-cup quality refers to the overall sensory evaluation of espresso based on factors like flavor, aroma, crema, and mouthfeel.

Ibrik (Cezve)

An ibrik, also known as a cezve, is a small pot used for making Turkish coffee. It involves brewing finely ground coffee with water and sugar.

Instant Espresso

Instant espresso is a powdered form of espresso that can be quickly dissolved in hot water. While not the same as freshly brewed espresso, it offers convenience.

Infusion Time

Infusion time refers to the amount of time that coffee grounds are steeped in hot water during brewing. It can vary depending on the brewing method and desired strength.

Insulated Espresso Cup

Insulated espresso cups are designed to keep espresso hot for longer periods. They are often made of double-walled glass or stainless steel.

In-House Roasting

In-house roasting refers to coffee shops or businesses that roast their coffee beans on-site. It allows for greater control over the freshness and flavor of the beans.



Java is a term often used to refer to coffee in general, but it can also specifically refer to coffee beans grown on the Indonesian island of Java.

Jet Black Espresso

Jet Black Espresso is a term used to describe a dark, intense, and full-bodied espresso shot with minimal crema. It’s favored by those who prefer a bold flavor.


Jura is a Swiss brand known for manufacturing high-end espresso machines and coffee-related appliances for both home and commercial use.

Japanese Iced Coffee

Japanese iced coffee is a brewing method where hot water is poured over coffee grounds directly onto ice. It results in a flavorful and quickly chilled coffee.

Java Jampit

Java Jampit is a specific coffee bean variety grown in the Java region of Indonesia. It’s known for its full body and earthy, herbal flavors.

Java Preanger

Java Preanger is another coffee bean variety grown in Java, Indonesia. It’s known for its bright acidity and floral notes.

Jute Bag

Jute bags are traditional sacks made from jute fibers and are commonly used for transporting green coffee beans.

Jaeger-LeCoultre Espresso Machine

Jaeger-LeCoultre is a Swiss watchmaker that created a limited edition espresso machine known for its luxurious design and precision engineering.

Jacketed Steam Wand

A jacketed steam wand is a steam wand on an espresso machine that is surrounded by a metal jacket, allowing for better insulation and greater control over steaming milk.

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee

Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is a renowned coffee variety grown in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. It’s known for its mild flavor, bright acidity, and unique profile.

Java Sunda Hejo

Java Sunda Hejo is a coffee bean variety from West Java, Indonesia. It’s celebrated for its herbal and spicy flavor profile.

Jamaican Coffee Board

The Jamaican Coffee Board is an organization that regulates and promotes the production of Jamaican coffee, including the famous Blue Mountain coffee.

Jet Tea

Jet tea is a brand of tea beverages often served at coffee shops and cafes alongside espresso-based drinks. They come in various flavors and are usually mixed with water and ice.

Joint Espresso

Joint espresso is a term used to describe a shot of espresso made by using coffee beans from multiple sources or origins, creating a blend with diverse flavor notes.

Jasper Espresso

Jasper espresso is a term used to describe a smooth and rounded espresso shot with balanced flavors, reminiscent of the stone jasper, which symbolizes stability and harmony.


Kopi Tubruk

Kopi Tubruk is an Indonesian coffee preparation method where coffee grounds are boiled with a lump of sugar, resulting in a sweet and strong coffee.

Kona Coffee

Kona coffee is a specialty coffee variety grown on the slopes of Mauna Loa in Hawaii, known for its smooth, mild flavor and well-balanced acidity.

Kilimanjaro Coffee

Kilimanjaro coffee refers to coffee beans grown on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. These beans are known for their bright acidity and fruity notes.

Knock Box

A knock box is a container used to collect used coffee grounds from the portafilter after espresso extraction. It helps keep the workspace clean and organized.


A kettle is an essential tool for heating water to the desired temperature for brewing coffee or espresso, particularly when using pour-over methods.


Kaffa is a region in Ethiopia often considered the birthplace of coffee. It has a rich history and is renowned for its coffee heritage.

Kettle Pouring Technique

Kettle pouring technique involves controlled pouring of hot water from a kettle, usually in a circular motion, to evenly saturate coffee grounds during brewing.

Kopi Luwak

Kopi Luwak, also known as civet coffee, is made from coffee beans that have been eaten and excreted by civets. It’s a rare and expensive coffee known for its unique flavor.


Kaldi is a legendary Ethiopian goat herder who, according to folklore, discovered coffee when he noticed his goats became lively after eating coffee cherries.

Kaffa Region

The Kaffa region in Ethiopia is believed to be the place where coffee cultivation first began. It has a significant historical and cultural connection to coffee.

Keramo Coffee

Keramo coffee is a variety from Ethiopia known for its vibrant acidity and fruity, floral flavors, making it a popular choice for specialty espresso.

Knock Bar

A knock bar is a component found in many knock boxes. It’s a sturdy bar that helps dislodge and collect used coffee grounds from the portafilter.

Kvass Coffee

Kvass coffee is a cold coffee beverage often made by mixing coffee with fermented rye bread, sugar, and other flavorings. It’s a traditional drink in some Eastern European countries.

Kaldi’s Coffee

Kaldi’s Coffee is a coffee roasting company and café chain known for its commitment to sourcing high-quality beans and promoting ethical practices in the coffee industry.

Kaffa Forest Coffee

Kaffa Forest coffee is grown in the lush forests of the Kaffa region in Ethiopia. These beans are known for their unique and wild flavor profiles.



A latte is an espresso-based drink made with a shot of espresso and a larger amount of steamed milk. It is often topped with a small amount of milk foam.

Latte Art

Latte art is the practice of creating intricate and decorative designs on the surface of espresso-based drinks, typically using steamed milk.


A lungo is an espresso shot made with more water than a regular shot, resulting in a larger and milder coffee. It is often served in a larger cup.


Lavazza is an Italian coffee brand known for its wide range of coffee products, including espresso blends, beans, and ground coffee.

Light Roast

A light roast is a coffee roast level where the beans are roasted for a shorter time, preserving their natural flavors and acidity. It’s commonly used for specialty coffee.


Lido is a brand of high-quality manual coffee grinders known for their precision and consistency in grinding coffee beans for espresso.

Lever Espresso Machine

A lever espresso machine is a type of manual espresso machine that uses a lever to manually control the pressure and extraction process.

Long Black

A long black is an espresso-based coffee drink made by pouring a shot of espresso over hot water. It is similar to an Americano but retains more crema.

Lungo Shot

A lungo shot is a type of espresso shot made by allowing more water to pass through the coffee grounds, resulting in a longer and milder espresso.

Lactic Acid

Lactic acid is one of the acids found in coffee, contributing to its flavor profile. It can impart a smooth and creamy quality to the taste.

Lid Coffee

Lid coffee refers to coffee served in a disposable coffee cup with a lid, often for takeout or on-the-go consumption.

Low-Acidity Coffee

Low-acidity coffee refers to coffee beans or blends that have a mild acidity level, making them suitable for those who prefer a milder taste.

Lithuania Coffee

Lithuania is a country in Europe where coffee culture is growing. Lithuanian coffee shops serve a variety of espresso-based drinks and specialty coffee.

Lactose-Free Milk

Lactose-free milk is a dairy milk alternative suitable for those who are lactose intolerant. It’s commonly used for making espresso-based drinks.



Macchiato is an espresso-based coffee drink with a small amount of frothy milk or milk foam “staining” or “marking” the espresso. It can be served in various flavor variations.


Microfoam is the silky, velvety-textured milk foam created by steaming milk for espresso-based drinks like lattes and cappuccinos. It’s essential for latte art.


Mazzer is an Italian manufacturer known for producing high-quality commercial espresso grinders widely used in coffee shops and cafes.

Milk Frother

A milk frother is a device used to froth or foam milk for espresso drinks. There are handheld, steam wand, and electric milk frothers available.

Melitta Pour-Over

The Melitta Pour-Over method is a simple way to brew coffee by manually pouring hot water over coffee grounds in a cone-shaped filter.


Maceration is a step in some coffee processing methods where the coffee cherries are soaked in water to soften the fruit before depulping.


Milds is a term used to describe coffee beans with a mild flavor profile, often associated with lower acidity and a smooth, easy-drinking taste.


Mocha is a popular espresso-based coffee drink that combines espresso, steamed milk, and chocolate, typically in the form of cocoa powder or chocolate syrup.

Monsooned Coffee

Monsooned coffee is coffee that has been exposed to monsoon winds and rains, causing it to swell and develop a distinct flavor profile. It’s often found in India.

Micro Lot

A micro lot refers to a small batch of coffee beans produced from a specific area or variety of coffee plants, often known for their unique and high-quality characteristics.


Mouthfeel is the tactile sensation or texture of coffee in the mouth, including aspects like body, thickness, and smoothness.


Macap is an Italian manufacturer of commercial and home espresso grinders known for their precision and durability.

Manual Espresso Machine

A manual espresso machine is a non-electric espresso maker that requires manual pressure to brew espresso. It’s often preferred by espresso enthusiasts for its control.

Moka Pot

A Moka pot, also known as a stovetop espresso maker, brews espresso-like coffee using steam pressure. It consists of a bottom chamber for water, a filter for coffee grounds, and an upper chamber for brewed coffee.


Naked Portafilter

A naked portafilter is a portafilter without a spout or bottom, allowing baristas to observe the coffee extraction process and check for channeling.


Nespresso is a brand known for its single-serve espresso machines and coffee capsules. It offers convenience for home espresso brewing.

Natural Process

Natural process is a coffee processing method where coffee cherries are dried with the fruit intact, imparting fruity and fermented flavors to the beans.

Nordic Roast

Nordic roast is a light roast level for coffee beans, popular in Scandinavian countries. It highlights the natural acidity and fruitiness of the coffee.

Neapolitan Flip Coffee Maker

A Neapolitan flip coffee maker is a traditional Italian coffee maker that brews espresso on a stovetop. It consists of three chambers that are flipped during brewing.

New England Coffee

New England Coffee is a coffee brand known for its wide range of coffee blends and flavors, catering to various coffee preferences.

Niche Zero

The Niche Zero is a popular home coffee grinder known for its design and versatility, allowing for precise espresso grinding.

Nitro Coffee

Nitro coffee is cold brew coffee infused with nitrogen gas, resulting in a creamy texture and a frothy head, similar to draft beer.


Nirvana is a term used to describe the perfect or ideal espresso shot, characterized by a harmonious balance of flavor, crema, and body.

Nuova Simonelli

Nuova Simonelli is an Italian manufacturer of espresso machines and coffee equipment, well-regarded for its commercial espresso machines.

Nihon Drip

Nihon Drip is a Japanese pour-over coffee brewing method, known for its slow and controlled extraction process.


Napoli is a term used to describe an espresso shot that is very short, strong, and concentrated, reminiscent of the espresso served in Naples, Italy.

Non-Dairy Milk

Non-dairy milk refers to milk alternatives such as almond milk, soy milk, and oat milk used in espresso-based drinks by individuals who are lactose intolerant or vegan.


Nkora is a Kenyan coffee variety known for its bright acidity and citrusy flavor notes. Kenyan coffees are often used in specialty espresso blends.

Nepal Coffee

Nepal is an emerging coffee-producing country, and Nepali coffee beans are known for their unique flavors, often with bright acidity and fruity profiles.


Oxo Brew

Oxo Brew is a brand known for its coffee and espresso-related products, including coffee grinders, pour-over coffee makers, and more.


Oomph is a colloquial term used to describe the intensity, richness, and energy of a well-brewed espresso shot.


Over-extraction occurs when too much water is forced through coffee grounds during espresso brewing, resulting in a bitter and unbalanced taste.

Organic Coffee

Organic coffee is coffee made from beans grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. It adheres to organic farming practices.

Outflow Rate

Outflow rate refers to the speed at which espresso flows out of the portafilter during extraction. It can affect the overall quality of the shot.

Oversized Portafilter

An oversized portafilter is a larger-than-standard portafilter used in some espresso machines. It allows for a higher dose of coffee grounds and can influence extraction.

Oily Coffee Beans

Oily coffee beans have a shiny, oily surface due to extended roasting. They are often associated with dark roasts and can clog grinders if not handled properly.

Orange Zest

Orange zest refers to the outer peel of an orange, and it can be used as a flavor enhancer or garnish for espresso-based drinks.

Oxford Comma Espresso

Oxford Comma Espresso is a whimsical term used humorously to highlight the importance of the Oxford comma in the espresso world, emphasizing clarity in coffee menus.

On-Demand Grinder

An on-demand grinder is an espresso grinder that grinds coffee beans only when needed, ensuring freshness and reducing waste.

Ounces (oz)

Ounces are a unit of measurement commonly used to describe the volume of liquid espresso. A standard espresso shot is typically 1 ounce (30 milliliters).

Oxygen Barrier Bag

An oxygen barrier bag is a type of coffee packaging designed to prevent oxygen from entering and degrading the freshness of coffee beans.

Origin Coffee

Origin coffee refers to coffee beans that are sourced from a specific geographic location or region, often highlighting their unique flavor profiles.

Overhang Espresso

Overhang espresso is a playful term used to describe an espresso shot that has a lot of crema extending beyond the rim of the cup.

Onyx Coffee Lab

Onyx Coffee Lab is a specialty coffee roastery known for its commitment to quality and innovation in coffee sourcing and roasting.



A portafilter is a handle-equipped device used in espresso machines to hold coffee grounds and facilitate the brewing process.

Pressurized Portafilter

A pressurized portafilter is designed to increase pressure during espresso extraction, making it easier for beginners to achieve a decent shot.

Pump Espresso Machine

A pump espresso machine uses a motor-driven pump to generate the pressure needed to brew espresso, providing consistency and control.


Pergtamp is a brand known for its precision espresso tampers, designed to ensure uniform tamping pressure for consistent extractions.

Pull Shot

Pull shot is a colloquial term for the process of extracting espresso from the portafilter, emphasizing the action of pulling a shot of espresso.


A puck is the compacted mass of used coffee grounds left in the portafilter after espresso extraction. It should be dry and evenly formed.

Press Pot

A press pot, also known as a French press or plunger pot, is a coffee brewing device that uses a mesh plunger to separate coffee grounds from water.

Pallet Espresso

Pallet espresso is a term used to describe coffee that has been left in the green coffee stage, often before being roasted.

Pre-Ground Coffee

Pre-ground coffee is coffee that has been already ground and is available for purchase. It is convenient but can quickly lose freshness.


Purging is the process of running a small amount of water through the espresso machine’s group head to clear any stale water and bring fresh water to the system.


Pulycaff is a brand that produces specialized cleaning products for espresso machines, including cleaners for group heads and grinders.


Peaberry coffee beans are smaller, rounder beans that develop as a single bean inside the coffee cherry rather than the usual two. They are known for their unique flavor.

Portafilter Basket

The portafilter basket is the metal or plastic insert inside the portafilter that holds coffee grounds during espresso brewing.

Pump Pressure

Pump pressure is the force generated by the espresso machine’s pump to push hot water through the coffee grounds during extraction. It’s a critical factor for proper espresso brewing.



In the coffee industry, a “quaker” refers to an underdeveloped or unripe coffee bean that did not roast properly, often resulting in a sour or astringent taste.

Quality Control

Quality control in coffee refers to the systematic process of ensuring that coffee beans meet specific standards for flavor, aroma, and overall quality at every stage of production.


Quills are the hard, elongated silver skins of coffee beans that remain after the parchment has been removed. They are often separated from coffee beans during processing.

Quenched Cooling

Quenched cooling is a coffee roasting technique where roasted coffee beans are rapidly cooled with air or water to stop the roasting process and preserve the desired flavor profile.

Quick Mill

Quick Mill is an Italian manufacturer of espresso machines, known for producing high-quality and reliable machines for both home and commercial use.

Quota Coffee

Quota coffee is a term used to describe coffee beans that are produced in accordance with fair trade and sustainable practices, ensuring fair wages for coffee farmers.

Quercus Coffee

Quercus coffee refers to coffee beans that have been aged in oak barrels, infusing them with unique flavors from the wood, similar to the aging process used in wine and spirits.

Quad Shot

A quad shot is an espresso-based coffee drink made with four shots of espresso. It’s known for its strong and bold flavor.

Quality Score

Quality score is a numerical rating assigned to coffee beans based on their sensory attributes and overall quality, often used in the specialty coffee industry.


Quikbrew is a term sometimes used to describe a coffee maker or method that brews coffee quickly, often associated with convenience and speed.



A ristretto is a short and highly concentrated espresso shot made with less water than a standard shot, resulting in a bold and intense flavor.

Roast Level

Roast level refers to the degree to which coffee beans have been roasted, which can range from light to dark. Each level affects flavor and aroma.


Robusta is one of the two main species of coffee beans, known for its strong, bitter taste and higher caffeine content compared to Arabica beans.


A refractometer is a tool used to measure the concentration of dissolved solids, including coffee solubles, in espresso. It helps assess extraction quality.

Red Eye

A red eye is a coffee beverage made by adding a shot of espresso to a cup of drip coffee. It’s known for its extra caffeine kick.


Rancilio is an Italian espresso machine manufacturer, recognized for producing a wide range of espresso machines, from home to commercial models.

Rainforest Alliance

Rainforest Alliance is an organization that certifies coffee and other agricultural products as being produced in an environmentally sustainable and socially responsible manner.


A roaster is a person or machine responsible for the coffee roasting process, where green coffee beans are transformed into roasted beans with desired flavors.


“Round” is a term used to describe a well-balanced espresso shot with a harmonious combination of flavors, acidity, and body.

Rocky Grinder

Rocky Grinder is a popular coffee grinder model known for its durability and consistent grind quality, suitable for espresso brewing.


Single Origin

Single origin coffee refers to coffee beans that are sourced from a specific geographic region or even a single farm, allowing consumers to taste the unique flavors of that area.


In espresso terminology, a “shot” refers to a single serving of espresso, typically brewed with about 1 ounce (30 milliliters) of water and 7-9 grams of coffee.

Steam Wand

The steam wand is a component of an espresso machine used to steam and froth milk for espresso-based drinks like lattes and cappuccinos.

Super Automatic Espresso Machine

A super automatic espresso machine is an espresso maker that automates the entire brewing process, from grinding to brewing, milk frothing, and more.


Silvia is a popular espresso machine model from Rancilio, known for its durability and performance, often used by home espresso enthusiasts.

Siphon Brewer

A siphon brewer, also known as a vacuum coffee maker, uses a unique process that involves creating a partial vacuum to brew coffee, resulting in a clean and full-bodied cup.

Soluble Coffee

Soluble coffee, also known as instant coffee, is coffee that has been processed and dried to a powder or granulated form, allowing for quick preparation with hot water.

Scace Device

A Scace device is a tool used to calibrate and test the temperature and pressure of an espresso machine to ensure consistency in espresso preparation.

Specialty Coffee

Specialty coffee refers to high-quality coffee beans that are carefully sourced, roasted, and brewed to bring out their unique flavors, often associated with the third-wave coffee movement.

Single Dose Grinder

A single dose grinder is designed to grind a single serving of coffee beans at a time, ensuring freshness and consistency for each brew.

Shot Glass

A shot glass is a small glass used to measure and serve espresso shots, often with volume markings for precision.


Sustainability in coffee refers to environmentally and socially responsible practices in the coffee supply chain, including fair wages for coffee farmers and eco-friendly farming methods.


“Spro” is a colloquial term for an espresso shot, often used by baristas and coffee enthusiasts.

Semi-Automatic Espresso Machine

A semi-automatic espresso machine provides manual control over some aspects of the brewing process, such as grinding, tamping, and timing.

Sustainability Certification

Sustainability certifications, such as Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance, ensure that coffee is produced in a manner that is environmentally and socially responsible.



Tamping is the process of evenly compressing coffee grounds in the portafilter before brewing to ensure uniform extraction and proper water flow.


A tamper is a tool used to press down and compact coffee grounds in the portafilter. It comes in various designs and materials, such as metal or wood.


A thermoblock is a component in some espresso machines that heats water on-demand, providing precise temperature control during brewing.

Taste Profile

The taste profile refers to the unique flavors and sensory characteristics of a particular coffee, often described using terms like fruity, nutty, or floral.

Third-Wave Coffee

The third-wave coffee movement focuses on coffee as an artisanal product, emphasizing transparency in sourcing, quality, and highlighting the unique flavors of single origin beans.

Tanzania Peaberry

Tanzania peaberry coffee is made from coffee beans that have a distinctive round shape due to the development of a single bean within the coffee cherry.

Turkish Coffee

Turkish coffee is a traditional coffee preparation method where finely ground coffee is brewed in water, often with sugar and cardamom, and served unfiltered.


Tannins are naturally occurring compounds in coffee that contribute to its bitterness and astringency. They can be desirable in moderation for flavor balance.

Tare Weight

Tare weight is the weight of a container (e.g., a portafilter) without its contents (coffee grounds), often used when measuring coffee doses.

Temperature Surfing

Temperature surfing is a technique where a barista adjusts the temperature of the espresso machine by flushing water through the group head to achieve the desired brewing temperature.



Under-extraction occurs when insufficient water passes through coffee grounds during brewing, resulting in a sour or weak-tasting espresso with a lack of body.


Uniformity in coffee refers to consistency in coffee grounds, roast, or extraction, ensuring that every part of the coffee is of equal quality.

Uganda Coffee

Uganda is a coffee-producing country known for its Robusta coffee beans, which are often used in espresso blends for their bold and bitter flavor.



Varietal refers to a specific coffee bean variety or cultivar. Each varietal has unique flavor characteristics, influenced by factors such as region and growing conditions.

Vienna Roast

Vienna roast is a medium-dark roast level for coffee beans, characterized by a slightly oily surface and a balance of body and acidity.

Vacuum Pot

A vacuum pot, also known as a siphon or syphon brewer, uses a vacuum to brew coffee. It creates a visually stunning and clean cup of coffee.

VST Basket

VST baskets are precision baskets used in espresso machines, designed to improve the consistency of espresso extraction by ensuring uniform water flow through the coffee grounds.


Ventilation in coffee roasting is the process of allowing freshly roasted beans to cool and release gases, preventing them from becoming too gassy and affecting flavor.

VST Refractometer

VST refractometer is a specialized tool used to measure the total dissolved solids (TDS) in coffee and assess the quality of espresso extractions.

Vegan Milk

Vegan milk refers to non-dairy milk alternatives such as almond, soy, or oat milk, often used in espresso-based drinks by individuals who follow a vegan diet.

Vacuum-Sealed Bag

A vacuum-sealed bag is used for packaging roasted coffee beans, removing air to maintain freshness and prevent oxidation.


Volumetrics is a feature in some espresso machines that allows baristas to program precise water volumes for shot extraction, ensuring consistency.


Water Quality

Water quality is a crucial factor in coffee brewing. Proper water quality, free from impurities and at the right mineral content, ensures a better tasting cup of coffee.

Washed Coffee

Washed coffee is a processing method where coffee cherries are pulped and the beans are fermented, resulting in a clean and bright flavor profile.

Wet Process

The wet process, also known as the washed process, is a coffee processing method where the fruit is removed from the coffee seeds before drying.

Worm Bin

A worm bin is used in some coffee farms as a sustainable way to compost coffee cherry pulp and waste, turning it into nutrient-rich soil.


In the context of espresso machines, a wand often refers to the steam wand, a component used to froth milk for espresso-based drinks.

Water Softener

A water softener is a device or filter used to reduce the hardness of water by removing minerals like calcium and magnesium, which can affect coffee extraction.

Whole Bean

Whole bean coffee refers to coffee beans that have not been ground. They maintain their freshness longer compared to pre-ground coffee.

Washed Sidamo

Washed Sidamo coffee is a variety of Ethiopian coffee known for its bright acidity and floral and fruity flavor notes.

WBC (World Barista Championship)

The World Barista Championship is an annual international competition where baristas from around the world showcase their coffee-making skills.


Wet-hulling is a coffee processing method often used in Indonesia, where coffee beans are dried with the fruit mucilage still intact, resulting in unique flavor characteristics.



XtractMojo is a tool used for measuring the concentration of dissolved solids in espresso, allowing baristas to monitor and optimize extraction quality.

Xtreme Machines

Xtreme Machines is a term sometimes used to describe high-end espresso machines known for their precision and advanced features.

Xenia Espresso

Xenia Espresso is a brand or model of espresso machine known for its unique design and craftsmanship.


Xenophanes is a type of coffee bean variety that may be used in specialty espresso blends, known for its distinctive flavor profile.


Xanthine is a natural compound found in coffee and other beverages like tea and chocolate. It is a mild stimulant that can contribute to the stimulating effects of coffee.



Yield in espresso refers to the total volume of liquid extracted from coffee grounds during the brewing process, typically measured in milliliters (ml).


Yirgacheffe is a famous coffee-growing region in Ethiopia known for its high-quality Arabica coffee beans, often used in specialty espresso blends.


Yellowing is a stage in the coffee roasting process where the coffee beans turn a pale yellow color, indicating the release of moisture and the beginning of the roasting process.

Yemen Coffee

Yemen is one of the oldest coffee-producing regions in the world, known for its unique and historical coffee varieties, often used in specialty espresso blends.

Yield Percentage

Yield percentage is a metric used in espresso extraction to calculate the ratio of the extracted liquid weight to the dry coffee dose, helping to assess extraction efficiency.


Zeal Coffee Roasters

Zeal Coffee Roasters is a coffee roastery known for its commitment to sourcing high-quality beans and producing specialty coffee.


“Zeitgeist” is a term that can be used in the context of coffee culture to describe the prevailing attitudes and trends in the coffee world during a specific period.

Zarai Coffee

Zarai coffee refers to coffee beans grown in the Zarai region of Yemen, known for its unique coffee varieties and flavor profiles.


Zassenhaus is a brand known for producing high-quality manual coffee grinders, including models suitable for espresso grinding.

Zero Defects

“Zero defects” is a quality control term used in the coffee industry to emphasize the goal of producing coffee beans with no defects or imperfections.

Andrew Stevenson

Andrew Stevenson

A seasoned barista and espresso aficionado