
Honey Cinnamon Latte Recipe (Hot and Iced Both)

Andrew StevensonByAndrew Stevenson

| September 28, 2023

The experience of drinking a latte increases a lot when it is infused with cinnamon and honey.

The natural sweetness of honey and the warm, aromatic notes of cinnamon help you elevate your daily coffee ritual to a whole new level of indulgence.

The latte infused with honey and cinnamon is more than just a beverage. It is a refreshing and soothing drink that helps you elevate your mood in just a single sip.

In this recipe round, I am going to tell you how you can make a honey cinnamon latte on your own.

Let’s start.

Ingredients needed

1) Espresso

1-2 shots of freshly brewed espresso or 1 cup of strong brewed coffee.

2) Milk

1 cup of your choice of milk (whole milk, 2%, almond milk, oat milk, or any milk substitute you prefer).

3) Honey

1-2 tablespoons of high-quality honey (adjust to taste).

4) Ground Cinnamon

1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (adjust to your desired level of spiciness).

5) Ice cubes

If you are making an iced version of a cinnamon honey latte, take a few ice cubes based on the cooling needed.

6) Vanilla Extract (optional)

1/2 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract for added flavor.

7) Whipped Cream (optional)

A dollop of whipped cream for garnish.

8) Cinnamon Stick (for garnish, optional)

A cinnamon stick for an elegant finishing touch.

Equipment needed

1) Espresso Machine

If you’re using espresso, you’ll need an espresso machine. If you’re using coffee, a standard drip coffee maker or a French press will work.

2) Milk Frother

A milk frother is essential to steam and froth the milk. Some espresso machines have built-in steam wands for this purpose. Alternatively, you can use a handheld milk frother.

3) Milk Steaming Pitcher

This is where you’ll steam and froth the milk. It should be large enough to hold the milk for your latte.

4) Measuring Tools

Use measuring spoons to ensure precise measurements of honey, cinnamon, and other ingredients.

5) Saucepan (optional)

If you don’t have a milk frother, you can heat and froth the milk on the stovetop using a saucepan. In this case, you’ll need a saucepan to heat the milk.

6) Coffee Mug

A coffee mug or latte glass to serve your latte.

7) Stirring Spoon

A long-handled spoon for mixing the ingredients.

Step-by-step recipe for honey cinnamon latte

How to make its iced version?

Step 1: Brew Your Espresso

Start by brewing your espresso shots or a cup of strong coffee. If you’re using an espresso machine, pull the shots and let them cool. If you’re using coffee, brew a cup and let it cool to room temperature.

Step 2: Prepare the Cinnamon Honey Mix

In a small bowl or cup, mix the ground cinnamon and honey until well combined. Adjust the amount of honey to your desired level of sweetness and flavor.

Step 3: Steam and Froth the Milk

Heat the milk in a saucepan over medium heat until it’s hot but not boiling. If you have a milk frother, you can use it to steam and froth the milk simultaneously. Aim for a creamy froth. Remove from heat.

Step 4: Combine Ingredients

In a separate container, combine the cooled espresso or coffee with the cinnamon honey mix. Stir well to ensure the honey is fully dissolved.

Step 5: Add Ice

Fill your serving glass with ice cubes.

Step 6: Pour Espresso/Coffee Mixture

Pour the espresso or coffee mixture over the ice.

Step 7: Add Frothed Milk

Carefully pour the frothed milk over the ice and espresso mixture. The ice will cool down the milk and create a refreshing contrast.

Step 8: Stir

Gently stir the latte to combine all the ingredients.

Step 9: Optional Garnish

If desired, top your iced latte with a dollop of whipped cream, a sprinkle of ground cinnamon, and a cinnamon stick for a touch of elegance.

Step 10: Serve Immediately

Now this drink is ready to be served. Sip and savor the delightful combination of honey, cinnamon, and coffee, all over ice, for a perfect balance of flavors.

How to make its cold version?

Step 1: Brew Your Espresso

Start by brewing your espresso shots or a cup of strong coffee.

Step 2: Prepare the Cinnamon Honey Mix

In a small bowl or cup, mix the ground cinnamon and honey until well combined. Adjust the amount of honey to your desired level of sweetness and flavor. If you’re using vanilla extract, you can add it to this mixture as well.

Step 3: Steam and Froth the Milk

Heat the milk in a saucepan over medium heat until it’s hot but not boiling. If you have a milk frother, you can use it to steam and froth the milk simultaneously. Aim for a creamy froth. Remove from heat.

Step 4: Combine Ingredients

In your coffee mug, add the espresso or coffee and the cinnamon honey mixture. Stir well to ensure the honey and cinnamon are fully dissolved in the coffee.

Step 5: Add Frothed Milk

Carefully pour the frothed milk over the coffee mixture, holding back the foam with a spoon to let the creamy milk flow first.

Step 6: Stir

Gently stir the latte to combine all the ingredients and create a smooth, velvety texture.

Step 7: Optional Garnish

If desired, top this hot latte with a dollop of whipped cream and a sprinkle of ground cinnamon for an extra touch of indulgence.

Step 8: Serve Hot

Now, this drink is ready to served. It’s a warm, comforting blend of honey and cinnamon flavors, perfect for cozy mornings or whenever you need a soothing, aromatic beverage.

It’s taste profile


The sweetness in this drink primarily comes from the honey. The honey adds a natural and mellow sweetness that enhances the overall flavor without being overly sugary.


The warmest aspect of the latte comes from the combination of honey and cinnamon. Cinnamon provides a gentle, earthy warmth with a subtle hint of spice, making each sip feel cozy and comforting.


The latte’s creaminess is derived from the milk or milk substitute used. This creamy element balances the sweetness and spice, creating a smooth and velvety texture that envelops your palate.

Coffee Flavor

If you’re using espresso as the base, you’ll also experience the rich, roasted coffee flavor that provides a robust foundation to the latte.


The aroma of this espresso beverage is equally enticing. It’s filled with the inviting scents of honey’s natural sweetness and cinnamon’s earthy, spicy notes, which tantalize your senses before you even take a sip.


When a latte is perfectly infused with cinnamon and honey, it achieves a harmonious balance between sweet, spicy, and creamy elements. It’s not overly sugary, and the cinnamon adds depth and complexity to the flavor profile, making it a well-rounded and comforting beverage.

The best way to serve it

The best way to serve iced one

Glass Choice

Use a tall, clear glass to showcase the layers of your iced latte.

Ice Cubes

Fill the glass with ice cubes before pouring in the latte mixture. This helps keep the drink cold and refreshing.


Slowly pour the iced latte mixture over the ice, allowing it to cascade gently over the cubes.


If desired, top the iced latte with a dollop of whipped cream for extra indulgence. Place a cinnamon stick in the glass as a stirring stick and a decorative touch. A light sprinkle of ground cinnamon on top adds both flavor and visual appeal.


Add a reusable or paper straw for sipping convenience.


Present this espresso drink to your guests, and enjoy!

How to serve its hot version?

Mug Selection

Choose a cozy, stylish coffee mug that complements the warmth of the hot latte.


Gently pour the hot latte into the mug, filling it nearly to the rim.


If desired, add a dollop of whipped cream to the top of the latte, and sprinkle a pinch of ground cinnamon over the cream. This not only enhances the flavor but also creates an inviting, visually appealing frothy layer.


Provide a long-handled spoon for stirring and enjoying the latte.


Serve this espresso beverage on a saucer with a napkin. The warmth and aromatic steam rising from the mug will make this a welcoming treat.

Best foods to pair with this latte


When enjoying this drink, consider accompanying it with a selection of pastries that perfectly complement the latte’s sweet and aromatic notes.

Flaky croissants, buttery danishes, and gooey cinnamon rolls offer a delightful contrast to the warm flavors of the latte. The combination of the rich, flaky pastry textures with the sweet and spiced latte creates a harmonious and indulgent pairing.

Biscuits and Cookies

For those with a penchant for sweet treats, biscuits, and cookies are excellent companions to this coffee.

Buttery shortbread cookies or warmly spiced gingerbread cookies are a natural fit, allowing the latte’s flavors to shine through while providing a delightful textural contrast. These sweet, crumbly delights make each sip of the latte a memorable experience.

Muffins and Cupcakes

Blueberry muffins with bursts of juicy fruit or nutty banana muffins provide a satisfying texture that complements the latte.

For a touch of whimsy, consider vanilla cupcakes adorned with cinnamon-infused frosting. The combination of these baked goods with your latte offers a delightful balance of flavors and aromas.

Chocolate Treats

Fudgy brownies or luxurious chocolate truffles provide a rich and indulgent counterpart to the latte’s sweetness. The interplay of the latte’s warm, spiced notes with the deep, cocoa-rich chocolate creates a comforting and luxurious experience.

Fruit-Based Sweets

Fruit-based desserts provide a refreshing and slightly tangy contrast to the latte’s sweetness. Consider classics like apple pie or flaky turnovers filled with apples or pears. These treats, with their fruity goodness and warm spices, harmonize beautifully with the latte, creating a symphony of flavors.

Cheese and Dairy

For those seeking a savory contrast, a cheese and fruit platter is an elegant choice. Pair creamy brie cheese with slices of apples or pears for a delightful interplay of textures and flavors. The creamy, slightly tangy cheese complements the latte’s sweetness and aromatic cinnamon notes.

Nuts and Seeds

You can add a crunchy element to your latte experience by incorporating nuts and seeds. Almonds or a cinnamon-spiced trail mix with dried fruits provide a satisfying crunch that contrasts with the latte’s creamy texture. The combination of textures and flavors keeps your palate engaged throughout the coffee break.

Spiced Desserts

If you’re in the mood for spiced treats, consider classics like pumpkin pie or carrot cake. These desserts resonate beautifully with the latte’s cinnamon undertones, making each bite a cozy, comforting experience that perfectly complements the warmth of your latte.

Variations to try

If cinnamon and honey is your favorite ingredient in latte then there are many variations that you can try.

For example, you can add almonds, coconut, and lavender to this drink. You can also make it salted by adding salt to it. You can also add caramel if you prefer.

Wrapping up

Here, I have got you covered with the honey cinnamon latte recipe.

Try this recipe on your own at your home or cafe.

You can also do lots of experiments with this recipe. If you are going to do experiments, don’t forget to take note of the changes you have made as it will help you enhance your recipe with time.

Andrew Stevenson

Andrew Stevenson

A seasoned barista and espresso aficionado